Course Number
Course Format
Asynchronous Online

This course provides a thorough review and application of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA.) It covers selection of scientific, engineering, and socioeconomic factors in EIA; identification of quantitative and qualitative environmental evaluation criteria; EIA life cycle application of techniques for assessing impacts of predicted changes in environmental quality; approaches for identifying, measuring, predicting, and mitigating environmental impacts; modeling techniques as employed in EIA; environmental standards in the EIA process; sustainable development goals (SDG) as applied to EIA, methodologies for incorporating EIA into management decision-making. EIA alignment with climate change and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as related to EIA are addressed. Case studies of EIA for several types of engineering projects are employed. Students acquire the knowledge to prepare an EIA, critically review and analyze an EIA, apply EIA as an important tool in management decision-making processes and develop a comprehensive analytical example of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Course Offerings

There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.