This course applies microprocessors as an integral element of system design. Techniques required for successful incorporation of microprocessor technology are studied and used. Hardware and software design considerations that affect product reliability, performance, and flexibility are covered. Students use hardware to gain familiarity with machine and assembly language for software generation, interfacing to a microprocessor at the hardware level, and emulation to check out system performance. Topics include embedded system operational design, case studies in system failures, communications protocols, and hardware/software system tradeoffs. The course is based on the ARM architecture, and the student will do a series of development and interfacing labs. Prerequisite(s): Some experience in designing and building digital electronic systems, familiarity with C programming, and a course in digital systems.
Course Offerings
Embedded Microprocessor Systems
01/21/2025 - 05/06/2025
Embedded Microprocessor Systems
01/21/2025 - 05/06/2025