Course Number
Course Format
Asynchronous Online

This course examines advanced multivariable control system design methodologies and how the available techniques are applied to produce practical system designs. Both the underlying theories and the use of Matlab to synthesize and analyze feedback designs are covered. We start with control problem formulations that capture performance and stability robustness objectives in the face of system parameter uncertainties and unknown disturbances. Specific design techniques include the linear quadratic regulator, the linear quadratic gaussian regulator with loop transfer recovery, H-infinity design, and mu-synthesis. Nonlinear techniques such as sliding mode control and feedback linearization are introduced as well as adaptive control methods that apply supervised learning while ensuring stability via Lyapunov analysis. Weekly assignments will include graded homework problems and Matlab exercises to practice the covered design and analysis methods.

Course Prerequisite(s)

EN.525.666 Linear System Theory and EN.525.609 Continuous Control Systems or the equivalent.