This course covers additional circuit design techniques applicable to MMICs (and microwave circuits in general). It is an extension of EN.525.774/775 RF and Microwave Circuits I and II and EN.525.787 Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) Design, although for students with a microwave background, these particular courses are not prerequisites. The topics covered include broadband matching, optimum loads for efficiency and low intermodulation products, odd mode oscillations, details of nonlinear modeling, time domain simulation of nonlinear circuits, and thermal effects. Students do need to have a background in microwave measurements and microwave CAD tools. No project is required, but there is structured homework involving power MMIC design completed by the student using a foundry library.
Course Prerequisite(s)
EN.525.774 RF & Microwave Circuits I
Course Offerings
There are no sections currently offered, however you can view a sample syllabus from a prior section of this course.