Dr. E. David Jansing has significant experience in algorithm and machine learning development for detection and extraction of optical and electromagnetic signatures, particularly in infrared (IR), hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR).  He has twenty year’s experience in signal and image processing, data analysis, interpretation, modeling, optimization, deep learning, and evolutionary computation, as well as extensive experience in analysis, test planning, management, and machine learning.  He has lead an effort that produced an algorithm that is now in operations, producing operational intelligence products for USG.  He was also awarded the FY2008 R. W. Hart Prize for Excellence in Independent Research and Development for the Exploitation of Synthetic Aperture Data Products IR&D.  Dr. Jansing also has extensive teaching experience, including full semester courses as well as short technical development courses.  He currently works in the Systems Group (KTS) of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory as a Senior Data Scientist, deriving actionable information from diverse and divergent data sources, particularly remotely sensed data of Earth.  He is also an instructor and student advisor at Johns Hopkins University.  He is the author of the textbook, Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar:  Concepts and Practice.

Education History

  • B.S.E.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Louisville
  • M.Eng., Electrical Engineering, University of Louisville
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Louisville

Work Experience

Principal Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


Selected Publications:

– E. D. Jansing, Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar: Concepts and Practices, McGraw-Hill Educational, 2021.
– T. R. Gault, M. E. Jansen, M. E. DeCoster, E. D. Jansing, and B. M. Rodriguez, “Comparing performance of standard and iterative linear unmixing methods for hyperspectral signatures,” presented at the SPIE Defense + Security, 2016, vol. 9840, pp. 984027–12.
– B. Allen and E. D. Jansing, “One-dimensional fractal error for motion detection in an image sequence,” Proceedings of SPIE, 2006.
– E. D. Jansing, T. A. Albert, and D. L. Chenoweth, “Two-dimensional entropic segmentation,” Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 329–336, 1999.
– E. D. Jansing, B. Allen, and D. Chenoweth, “Edge enhancement using the fractal error metric,” presented at the 1st International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, 1997.
– E. D. Jansing, D. L. Chenoweth, and J. Knecht, “Feature detection in synthetic aperture radar images using fractal error,” Aerospace Conference, 1997. Proceedings., IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 187–195 vol.1, 1997.
– M. Ahmed, E. Hemayed, E. D. Jansing, and A. Farag, “Surface reconstruction from serial cross sections,” Aerospace Applications Conference, 1996. Proceedings., 1996 IEEE, vol. 4, pp. 385–397 vol.4, 1996.
– Y. Yeap, E. D. Jansing, and A. Farag, “Empirical investigation of iterative maximum-entropy spectral estimation of one-dimensional random processes,” Proceedings of SPIE, 1992.

Honors and Awards

  • US Patent #10235589, Small Maritime Target Detector (2019)
  • University of Louisville Speed Engineering School Distinguished Alumnus (2011)

Professional Organizations

Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
SPIE: international society for optics and photonics


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Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Electrical and Computer Engineering