Education History

  • B.S., Software Engineering, St. Mary’s University
  • M.S., Software Engineering, University of Texas at El Paso
  • PHD, Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Work Experience

Data Scientist, Microsoft


1. Pai, V. M., Kozlowski, M., Donahue, D., Miller, E., Xiao, X., Chen, M. Y., … & Wen, H. (2012). Coronary artery wall imaging in mice using osmium tetroxide and micro‐computed tomography (micro‐CT). Journal of Anatomy, 220(5), 514-524.
2. Miller, E., Li, Z., Mentis, H., Park, A., Zhu, T., & Banerjee, N. (2020). RadSense: Enabling one hand and no hands interaction for sterile manipulation of medical images using Doppler radar. Smart Health, 15, 100089.
3. Miller, E., Banerjee, N., & Zhu, T. (2021). Smart homes that detect sneeze, cough, and face touching. Smart Health, 19, 100170.
4. Miller, E., MacFarlane, Z., Martin, S., Banerjee, N., & Zhu, T. (2021). Radar-based monitoring system for medication tampering using data augmentation and multivariate time series classification. Smart Health, 100245.
5. Miller, Elishiah J. Radar-Based Non-Contact Sensing for Smart Healthcare Applications. Diss. University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022.


Next Offered
Course Format
Synchronous Online
Primary Program
Robotics and Autonomous Systems