Keith is a design engineer working at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physic Laboratory.  He works in the Space Power Systems engineering group responsible for power system designs for spacecraft.  He has worked on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft as the lead battery box engineer and Power System Electronics board lead engineer.  On the Solar Probe Plus mission, he is the lead FPGA designer in charge of the three flight FPGAs in the Power System that perform the multiple control loops and peak power tracking as well as being responsible for the numerous GSE electronics for board level and box level testing.  Main concentrations are in the area of power electronics, digital design, embedded design, and software automation.

Education History

  • B S, Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University
  • B S, Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
  • M S, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Work Experience

Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


Lithium Ion Battery Fault Management on the Van Allen Probes – AIAA SPACE Conference & Exposition 2013 – Smith, E., K. Fretz, M. Butler, and K. Newlander

Battery Design and Test for Space Applications – Battery Power 2012 – Newlander K., Parker T., and Vigil C.

Honors and Awards

  • Space Department OSCAR (2016)

Professional Organizations



Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online, Hybrid In-person and Synchronous Online
Primary Program
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Applied Physics Laboratory, Online