Mike Weisman received a BE in electrical engineering from the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art and a PhD in applied mathematics from Harvard University. Dr. Weisman is a mathematician in the Computational and Information Sciences Directorate at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. He has previously been a member of the senior technical staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory and of the technical staff at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.
Current Courses:
625.703 – Complex Analysis (ACM) [Summer ’25]
625.740 – Data Mining (ACM) [Fall ’25]
625.601 – Real Analysis (ACM) [TBD]
Previously Taught Course:
605.716 – Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems (CS)
Computer Science Course Spotlight: Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems!
Education History
- BE, Electrical Engineering, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
- PhD, Applied Mathematics, Harvard University
Work Experience
Mathematician, U.S. Army Research Laboratory