Education History
- B.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland
- B.S. Computer Science, University of Maryland
- M E Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida
- Ph D Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin
Work Experience
Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
S. Iwarere and B. R. Barmish, “A Confidence Interval Triggering Method for Stock Trading via Feedback Control,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pp. 6910–6916, Baltimore, July 2010.
S. Iwarere and B. R. Barmish, “On Stock Trading Over a Lattice via Linear Feedback,” Proceedings IFAC World Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, August 2014.
On systems-theoretic problems with symmetric multilinear parameter dependence by Iwarere, Sesan, Ph.D., THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - MADISON, 2015, 115 pages; 3732086