Education History
- B Sc Physics, Calcutta University
- M Sc Physics, Indian Institute of Technology
- M A Physics, University of Rochester
- Ph D Theoretrical Physics, University of Rochester
Work Experience
Adjunct Faculty, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Prasun K. Kundu, Comment on “Comments on ‘The Euclidean gravitational action as black hole entropy, singularities and space-time voids’” [J. Math. Phys. 50, 042502 (2009)] – Schwarzschild black hole lives to fight another day, J. Math. Phys. 58, 114101 (2017).
Honors and Awards
- Exceptional Scientific Support Award, Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (2000)
Professional Organizations
American Physical Society
American Geophysical Union
Introduction to Astrophysics
Introduction to Relativity