Dr. Chapman is a member of the Principal Staff at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Dr. Chapman’s research interests involve all aspects of oceanographic remote sensing. 

Education History

  • B S, Physics, University of Maryland
  • MSEE, Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
  • Ph D, Oceanography, Florida State University

Work Experience

Principal Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


Chapman, R.D., C.M. Hawes and M.E. Nord, “Target Motion Ambiguities in Single-Aperture Synthetic Aperture Radar,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace And Electronic Systems, in press, 2010.

Chapman, R. D. and H. C. Graber, "Validation of HF Radar Measurements," Oceanography, 76-79, (1997).

Vlasenko, V., N. Golenko, V. Paka, K. Sabinin, and R. Chapman, "A Study into Dynamics of Baroclinic Tides in the Region of the Shelf Edge, " Oceanology (Russian), 37, 599-609 (English translation), 1997.

Chapman, R. D., L. K. Shay, H. C. Graber, J. B. Edson, A. Karachintsev, C. L. Trump, and D. B. Ross, "On the Accuracy of HF Radar Surface Current Measurements: Intercomparisons with Ship-Based Sensors," Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 18,749-18,766, (1997).

Hogan, G. G., R. D. Chapman, G. Watson, and D. R. Thompson, "Observations of Ship-Generated Internal Waves in SAR Images from Loch Linnhe, Scotland, and Comparison with Theory and In Situ Internal Wave Measurements," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, March (1996)

Chapman, R. D. and F. M. Monaldo, "A Novel Wave Height Sensor," Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 12, 190-196, (1995).

Chapman, R. D., B. L. Gotwols, and R. E. Sterner, "On the Statistics of the Phase of Microwave Backscatter from the Ocean Surface," Journal of Geophysical Research, 99, 16,293-16,301, (1994).

Thompson, D. R. and R. D. Chapman, "Note on the Reduction of the ‘Full-Wave’ Method for Rough Surface Scattering to the Small-Height Limit", Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, 4827-4831, (1993)

Watson, G., R. D. Chapman and J. R. Apel, "Measurements of the Internal Wave Wake of a Ship in a Highly Stratified Sea Loch", Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 9689-9703, (1992)

Chapman, R. D. and D. Nof, "The Sinking of Warm-Core Rings", Journal of Physical Oceanography, 18, 565-583, (1988)

Chapman, R. D. and G. B. Irani, "Errors in Estimating Slope Spectra from Wave Images", Applied Optics, 20, 3645-3652, (1981)


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