Anthony (Tony) Johnson is a senior professional staff member and research scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. He serves as a program manager in the Whiting School of Engineering providing leadership support to the Computer Science, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Autonomous Systems, and Information Systems Engineering programs.

Tony is a former US Army Officer and was an Academy Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the United States Military Academy West Point. He is a graduate of the Naval Postgraduate Applied Mathematics Doctoral program and has over 21 years of experience in computational analysis. In addition, he held positions as the Assistant Dean for Research as well as the Director and Chief Analyst of both the Mathematical Sciences Center and the West Point Network Science Center prior to joining the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

He specializes in finite element modeling, has done extensive research using the complex boundary element method to model fluid flow problems, and developed complex variable applications to network science problems.

Education History

  • B S, Mathematics, Fayetteville State University
  • M S, Mathematics, Fayetteville State University
  • M S, Applied Math, Naval Postgraduate School
  • Ph D, Computational Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School

Work Experience

Program Manager, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, Engineering for Professionals


Johnson, A. N. (2020). Numerical Network Science, Wiley Publishing Company, (to be submitted)

Johnson, M. A., Johnson, A. N., David C. Arney (2015). Dynamic Actor-Oriented Models as a Tool for the Analysis of Dark Networks in a Multiply Connected Actor-Oriented Environment. In Luke Gerdes (Ed.), Illuminating Dark Networks The Study of Clandestine Groups and Organizations, Part of Structural Analysis in the Social Sciences Cambridge, MA. ISBN: 9781107102699

Johnson, A. N., Wilkins, B., Hromadka II, T.V., Improved Complex Polynomial Method (CPM) Solution of Potential Problems, (2016, to be submitted).

McCulloh, I. A., Armstrong, H., Johnson, A. N. (2012). Social Network Analysis with Applications, Wiley Publishing Company. ISBN-10: 1118169476.

Johnson, A. N., Hromadka II, T.V., Phillips, M., Williams, J., Predicting Thaw Degradation in Algid Climates along Highway Embankments using a Boundary Element Method, The Professional Geologist, American Institute of Professional Geologists, October 2015.

Hromadka II, T.V., Johnson, A. N., Phillips, M., Development of a Multifunction Best Fit Computer Program to Model Sediment Transport Data in Rivers, The Professional Geologist, American Institute of Professional Geologists, October 2015.

Johnson, A. N., Hromadka II, T.V., Modeling Mixed Boundary Problems with the Complex Variable Boundary Element Method (CVBEM) using Matlab and Mathematica, International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 3, No. 3., (2015) Pgs. 269-278.

Johnson, A. N., T.V. Hromadka II. (2015). Modeling mixed boundary conditions in a Hilbert space with the complex variable boundary element method (CVBEM), MethodsX, Volume 2, 2015, Pages 292-305, ISSN 2215-0161,
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Johnson, A. N., T.V. Hromadka II, M. Carroll, M. Hughes, L. Jones, N. Pappas, C. Thomasy, S. Horton, R. Whitley, M. Johnson. (2014). A computational approach to determining CVBEM approximate boundaries, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Volume 41, pp. 83-89, Retrieve from

Callahan, D., Shakarian, P., Nielsen, J., Johnson, A. N. (2012). Shaping Operations to Attack Robust Terror Networks, ArXiv e-prints, ASE/IEEE Conference on Social Informatics. Retrieve from

Eyre, S., Rotte, R., Taggart, T., Chewar, C., Johnson, A. N., Roos, P., Shakarian, P. (2012). Using RASCAL to Find Key Villages in Afghanistan, Small Wars Journal.
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Johnson, A. N., McCulloh, I. A., Carley, K. M. (2012). Spectral Analysis of Social Networks to Identify Periodicity, The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 36:2, pp. 80-96

Shakarian, P., Roos, P., Johnson, A. N. (2011). A Review of Evolutionary Graph Theory with Applications to Game Theory, Biosystems, Volume 107, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 66-80, ISSN 0303-2647, 10.1016/j.biosystems.2011.09.006.
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Johnson, A. N., R. Kimball, B. Melendez, L. Myers, K. Rhea, B. Travis. (2009). Breaking with Tradition: Preparing Faculty to Teach in a Student-Centered or Problem-Solving Environment, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, 19:2, 146-160

Neta, B., Johnson, A. N. (2008). High Order Nonlinear Solver for Multiple Roots, International Journal of Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55 (2008) pp. 2012-2017.

Neta, B., Johnson, A. N. (2008). High Order Nonlinear Solver, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 8 (2008) pp. 245-250.

Baller, D., Lospinoso, J., Johnson, A. N. (2008). An Empirical Method for the Evaluation of Dynamic Network Simulation Methods, Proceedings, The 2008 World Congress in Computer Science Computer Engineering and Applied Computing, Las Vegas, NV.

Johnson, A.N., McCulloh, I. A. (2009). Advanced Network Analysis and Targeting (Course Guide). Joint Training Counter-IED Operations Integration Center (JTCOIC), Newport News, VA 23606.

Lospinoso, J., McCulloh, I. A., Johnson, A.N. (2009). Interfacing Network Simulations and Empirical Data (Technical Report 09-001). Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218. Retrieved from

Johnson, A. N. (2006). Development of a Three Dimensional Perfectly Matched Layer for Transient Elasto-Dynamic Analyses. Dissertation: Naval Post Graduate School, Dudley Knox Library, December 2006.

Johnson, A. N. and Jackson, C. (2016). An Influence Maximization Approach To Enhance Or Degrade Networks By Analyzing Multiple Chess Games, XXXVI SUNBELT Conference of the International Network For Social Network Analysis (INSNA), Newport Beach, CA

Johnson, A. N. (2015). A Complex Variable Boundary Element Methods for Mixed Boundaries, The Joint Mathematics Meetings 2015, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2015.

Johnson, A. N. (2012). Using Networks to Fuel Linear Algebra Topics, 24th International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Orlando, Florida, March, 2012.

Johnson, A. N. (2009). Development of a 3D, unsplit, time dependent perfectly matched layer for elastodynamic analyses., NAM Granville-Brown-Hayes Session of Presentations by Recent Doctoral Recipients in the Mathematical Sciences, Joint Math Meetings, January 2009.

Johnson, A. N. (2008). “Stop That Wave!” Perfectly Matched Layers for Transient Elastodynamic Analyses, National Association of Mathematicians Conference on Faculty Research and Teaching Excellence, Bennett College, April 2008.

Johnson, A. N. (2008). “Catch The Wave” Applications of Integral Transforms to Elastic Waves, Differential Equations Seminar USMA, Department of Mathematical Sciences, March 2008.

Johnson, A. N. (2006). Introduction to Applied Methods Using Greens Functions, Invited lecturer for Marist College, NY March 2006.

Johnson, A. N. (2005). The Greens Function: Weak Solutions to Boundary Value Problems, Invited presentation for United States Military Academy Mathematical Sciences Department Differential Equation seminar West Point, NY October 2005.

Johnson, A. N. (2005). Physical Acoustics: Topics in Acoustic Mine Detection, 149th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America with the Canadian Acoustical Association, Vancouver, Canada May 2005.

Johnson, A.N. (2005). Time-dependent Finite Element Model for Optimizing Source Array Element Position and Excitation for Seismic Sonar for Buried Mine Detection. Abstract The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, volume 117, Number 4, April 2005.

Honors and Awards

  • The Golden Torch Award – Dr. Janice A. Lumpkin Educator of the Year, National Society of Black Engineers Induction Ceremony March 30 (2013)
  • W. Randolph Church Award – Excellence in Mathematics award presented by the Naval Postgraduate School for Outstanding Scholarly Research in Applied Mathematics. (2005)
  • General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award – Awarded yearly by the Chief of Staff of the US Army to the company grade leader who best exemplify the characteristics of “Duty, Honor, and Country” in service to the nation. (2002)


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