Zonghui Hu holds a PhD in statistics and MS in mathematics from Texas A & M University. Her research interest includes semiparametric modeling, missing data problem and causal inference, high dimensional data analysis, and clinical trials. She has published over 70 research articles in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of American Statistical Association, Biometrika, the Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series, and Biometrics. She has collaborated on medical papers in the New England Journal of Medicine, Proceddings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Lancet. Hu has served on the editorial board of Statistics in Medicine as associate editor since 2015. Hu was recipient of the National Institutes of Health Director’s Award.

Education History

  • M S, Mathematics, Texas A & M University
  • Ph D, Statistics, Texas A & M University


Selected statistical methodology publications:
Hu Z, Wang N and Carroll RJ (2004). Profile-Kernel versus backfitting in the partially linear models for longitudinal/clustered data.” Biometrika, 91, 251–262.
Hu Z, Qin J, and Follmann DA (2008). Semiparametric two-sample changepoint model with application to human immunodeficiency virus studies. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C, 57, 589–607.
Hu Z, Follmann DA, and Qin J (2010). Semiparametric dimension reduction estimation for mean response with missing data. Biometrika, 97, 305–319.
Hu Z, Follmann DA and Qin J (2012). Semiparametric double balancing score estimation for incomplete data with ignorable missingness. Journal of American Statistical Association, 107, 247–257.
Hu Z, Follmann DA and Wang N (2014). Estimation of mean response via the effective balancing score. Biometrika, 101, 613–624.
Hu Z, Proschan M (2015). Two-part test of vaccine effect. Statistics in Medicine, 34, 1904-1911.
Hu Z (2019). Temporal trends of biomarkers and between-biomarker associations. Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series C, 68, 251-64.
Hu Z, Zhang Z, Follmann D (2022). Assessing treatment effect through compliance score
in randomized trials with noncompliance. Annals of Applied Statistics, 16, 2279-2290.

Selected medical journal publications:
Catalfamo M, Di Mascio M, Hu Z, Srinivasula S, et.al (2008). HIV infection associated immune activation occurs by two distinct pathways that differentially affect CD4 and CD8 T cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105: 19851-19856.
Regules JA, Beigel JH, Paolino KM, Voell J, Castellano AR, Hu Z, et.al. (2017). A recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus Ebola vaccine. New England Journal of Medicine, 376: 330-341.
Gaudinski MR, Berkowitz NM, Idris AH, Coates EE, Holman LA, Mendoza F, Gordon IJ, Hu Z, et.al. (2021) A monoclonal antibody for malaria prevention. New England of Medicine, 385: 803-814.

Honors and Awards

  • National Institutes of Health Director’s Award (2022)
  • National Institutes of Health Director’s Award (2015)

Professional Organizations

The American Statistical Association


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