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“Trade-Off Analysis for Time and Power Requirements in an Additive Manufacturing-Disrupted Manufacturing Cell,” based on Systems Engineering thesis.
Recognition streamlines students' path to professional certification.
Ali Darwish, who works for the Army Research Lab draws upon his extensive professional experience in his teaching.
Yuya Otaki blends engineering expertise with a player’s insight to provide personalized performance feedback.
"Preparing Future Generations for Executive Leadership Roles in Technical Organizations" details program capstone course.
Cloudy with a Chance of Breach: Unseen Dangers Lurking in Storing Student Data in the Cloud
CategoriesFERPA’s outdated protections could leave sensitive information exposed, JHU study reveals.
Learn about three types of engineering disciplines from the Johns Hopkins University Engineering for Professionals master’s degree program.
Innovative method combines neural networks and control theory to enhance reliability in complex systems
Space Force partnered with Johns Hopkins in 2022 to create a professional development pathway for military leadership
Environmental engineers work to address climate change and drive sustainability. Learn how to plan your path to becoming an environmental engineer with help from JHU EP.