Education History
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering, Northern Arizona University
- M.S., Technical Management, Johns Hopkins University
Work Experience
Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
Knuth, A.A.; Huang, P.M.; Rogers, A.Q., “Multi Mission Bus Demonstration: A Unique Low-Cost Approach for
End-to-End SensorSat Development,” AIAA Reinventing Space Conference, 2012,
Los Angeles, CA, 7-11 May 2012.
Knuth, A.A.; Huang, P.M.; Darrin, A.G., “Agile Hardware and Software Systems Engineering for Critical
Military Space Applications,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing: Sensors and Systems for Space
Applications V, 2012, Baltimore, MD., vol. 8385, pp. 0F–0F-9, 23-24 April 2012.
Knuth, A.A.; Huang, P.M.; Darrin, A.G., “Utilizing Low-Cost 3U Single-Sensor Satellites for ISR Mission
Capabilities,” SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing: Sensors and Systems for Space Applications V, 2012,
Baltimore, MD, vol. 8385, pp. 0G–0G-8, 23-24 April 2012.
Knuth, A.A.; Darrin, A.G.; Huang, P.M.; Anderson, M.M.A., "The role of SensorSats in Intelligence,
Surveillance and Reconnaissance operations," IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2011, Big Sky, MT,
pp.1-7, 3-10 March 2012.
Knuth, A.A.; Huang, P.M.; Darrin, A.G., "Agile hardware and software system engineering for innovation,"
IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2011, Big Sky, MT, pp.1-10, 3-10 March 2012.