Education History
- B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
- M.S, Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
- PhD, Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
Work Experience
Principal Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
“Preliminary Interplanetary Mission Design and Navigation for the Dragonfly New Frontiers Mission Concept”, C. Scott, M. Ozimek, D. Adams, R. Lorenz, S. Bhaskaran, R. Ionasescu, M. Jesick, and F. Laipert, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Snowbird, UT AAS 18-416, August 19-23, 2018.
“Evolution of Trajectory Design Requirements of NASA’s Planned Europa Clipper Mission.” B. Buffinton, T. Lam, S. Campagnola, J. Ludwinski, E. Ferguson, B. Bradly, C. Scott, M. Ozimek, A. Haapala, and F. Siddique, 68th International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Australia, 2017.
“Dual Satellite-Aided Planetary Capture with Interplanetary Trajectory Constraints,” C. Scott, M. Ozimek, A. Haapala, B. Buffington, and F. Siddique, Journal of Guidance Control, and Dynamics, 2017
“High-Resolution Mapping of Lunar Polar Hydrogen with a Low-Resource Orbital Mission”, D. Lawrence, R. Miller, M. Ozimek, P. Peplowski, and C. Scott., Acta Astronautica, Volume 115, October-November, 452-462 (2015)
“Transfers to Sticky Distant Retrograde Orbits”, Scott, C.J. and Spencer, D.B., Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 1940-1946, (2010)
“Calculating Transfer Families to Periodic Distant Retrograde Orbits Using Differential Correction”, Scott, C.J. and Spencer, D.B, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 33, No. 5, pp. 1592-1605, (2010).
“Optimal Reconfiguration of Satellites in Formation”, Scott, C.J., and D.B. Spencer, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 44. No. 1, (2007).
“Mission Design and Systems Trades on Achieving a Low Circular Venusian Orbit,” Ozimek, M, Scott, C., Adams, E., Hibbard, K., Magner, T., AIAA SPACE 2012 Conference, Pasadena, California, (2012).
“Optimal Transfer and Science Orbit Design in the proximity of Small Bodies”, Scott, C., and Ozimek, M., AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska, (2011).
“Modeling the Effects of Albedo and Infrared Radiation Pressures on the MESSENGER Spacecraft”, Scott, C., McAdams, J., Moessner, D., and Ercol, C., AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Girdwood, Alaska, (2011).
“Conceptual Mission Design of a Polar Uranus Orbiter and Satellite Tour”, McAdams, J, Scott, C., Guo, Y., Dankanich, J., and Russell, R., Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, Vol. 140, (2011).
“Transfers to Sticky Distant Retrograde Orbits”, Scott, C.J. and Spencer, D.B., AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit August 9-13, (2009).
“Transfers to Periodic Distant Retrograde Orbits”, Scott, C.J. and Spencer, D.B., AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit August 9-13, (2009).
“Stability Mapping of Distant Retrograde Orbits and Transport in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem”, Scott, C.J., and D.B. Spencer, AIAA 2008-6431, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, Honolulu, HI, August (2008).
Professional Organizations
American Astronautical Societry