Effective January 1, 2020, graders will be paid based on an hourly rate and will be assigned a maximum number of approved semester hours according to the number of enrollments per section.
Graders must also submit a timesheet on a weekly basis. Contingent appointment letters will be distributed the week prior to the start of the semester based on the number of enrollments per section at that time.
Final appointment letters will be distributed at the official EP late registration deadline (i.e. the last day to add a course). The minimum class size is 10 students.
Requesting a Grader
At the beginning of the term, please direct grader requests via e-mail to your Program Chair for approval. Salaries will be authorized and appointment letters sent after the second‐class meeting. In the e‐mail to your program chair, please include the following:
– Complete Course Number (INCLUDING SECTION) and Title
XXX.XXX.XX—Course Title
E.g. 625.464.31—Computational Statistics
– Grader’s Name.
– Grader’s Home Address.
– Grader’s E‐mail.
– Grader’s CV or Resume
– You also need to be aware that Hopkins has a policy against nepotism. Please refrain from requesting family members as graders.
The chair or requestor should then forward a copy of the approval email to for processing.
Submitting Weekly Timesheets
Graders must submit weekly timesheets to record hours worked. Timesheets can be submitted via Jira using the Grader Timesheet form.
Submit Grades: How and When
At the end of each term, instructors are required to submit grades to the university registrar through the SIS system so that they are received within 72 hours of the last scheduled meeting of the class.
– Delayed submission of grades constitutes an undesirable and unnecessary disservice to the students. Many students need the grade in a timely fashion to receive tuition reimbursement from their employer.
– Continued failure to turn in grades on time may affect the faculty member’s EP status. Grades may not be posted with student names or social security numbers.
Submit a Grade Change Request
Instructors will need to submit a grade change request through the SIS system.