This course provides guidance and support for mechanical engineering masters students writing their final thesis. Students will review relevant literature, refine their research questions/hypotheses, analyze data, draw conclusions based on their research, and work with feedback from peers and faculty advisors to improve their writing. The primary focus of the course is the production of the master’s thesis, including ensuring necessary components like an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion sections are present. Students will develop scholarly writing and editing skills so that their thesis is publication-ready by the end of the course, demonstrating their ability to conduct and clearly convey independent research in mechanical engineering. Students interested in this course must have prior approval from their advisor and the Program Chair to follow the Thesis track. Upon approval by the committee, the final electronic thesis is submitted to the library. Note: If the final electronic thesis has not been submitted to the MSE library ( by the end of the second semester, the research advisor may assign an “I” [incomplete] grade until all conditions are met.