This course examines the processes of sediment entrainment, transport, and deposition and the interaction of flow and transport in shaping river channels. Topics reviewed include boundary layer flow; physical properties of sediment; incipient, bed-load, and suspended-load motion; bed forms; flow duration; sediment loads; hydraulic roughness; scour and deposition of bed material; bank erosion; sediment budgets; channel classification, and size, shape, planform, and migration of river channels. In addition, the course develops techniques of laboratory, theoretical, and sediment modeling and applies them to problems of sediment transport, channel morphology, and channel change. Prerequisite(s): A course in fluid mechanics or an equivalent course in fluid flow or hydraulics. A course in statistics is strongly encouraged
Course Offerings
Sediment Transport and River Mechanics
08/26/2024 - 12/10/2024