Course Number
Course Format
Synchronous Online

This comprehensive course touches the wave tops of the math and physics of offensive and defensive space control systems. The courseis developed around the foundational physics of competitor nationsystems under development and operational fielding as published inpublic U.S. government reports. We explore each of the systems andthe basic principles that underlie the technological approach at thelevel of fundamental engineering, math, and physics. The list oftechniques that we explore are ground and space based kinetic interceptors (and theaffects and concerns around orbital debris), accuracy in targetingand orbit estimation, space-based attack robots (touching onrendezvous and proximity operations), fractional orbital bombardmentsystems, ground-based and space-based electronic jamming and attack aswell as laser dazzling and damage. We explore future technologies suchas the impacts of quantum encryption, artificial intelligence, cislunarbasing, dynamic space operations, the possibility of nuclear weaponsin space, and the practical use of spaceplane systems.

Course Prerequisite(s)

EN.675.600 Systems Engineering for Space and EN.675.601 Fundamentals of Engineering Space Systems I

Course Offerings


Physics of Space Security

05/19/2025 - 08/13/2025
Summer 2025
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Course Materials