Course Number
Primary Program
Course Format
Asynchronous Online

While most of the world is preoccupied with high-profile network-based computer intrusions, this online course examines the potential for computer crime and the protection mechanisms employed in conjunction with the embedded computers that can be found within non-networked products (e.g., vending machines, automotive onboard computers, etc.). This course provides a basic understanding of embedded computer systems: differences with respect to network-based computers, programmability, exploitation methods, and current intrusion protection techniques, along with material relating to computer hacking and vulnerability assessment. The course materials consist of a set of eight study modules and five casestudy experiments (to be completed at a rate of one per week) and are augmented by online discussion forums moderated by the instructor. This course also includes online discussion forums that support greater depth of understanding of the materials presented within the study modules.

Course Prerequisite(s)

EN.605.202 Data Structures; EN.695.601 Foundations of Information Assurance, a basic understanding and working knowledge of computer systems, and access to Intel-based PC hosting a Microsoft Windows environment.

Course Offerings


Embedded Computer Systems-Vulnerabilities, Intrusions, and Protection Mechanisms

01/21/2025 - 05/06/2025
Spring 2025
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Course Materials