Course Number
Primary Program
Course Format
Synchronous Online

New technologies within the automotive industry are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds to create intelligent vehicles that are designed to enhance occupants’ experiences and improve driver safety and efficiency and improve pedestrian safety. The success of these commercial and industrial efforts rest in the principles of assured autonomy. These intelligent technologies exist in a connected ecosystem that includes the Transportation, Energy, and Communication sectors. Examples of the interconnectivity capabilities include: Autonomous Vehicle – transducer, interface, and supporting capabilities; Electric Vehicles – grid connected vehicle charging infrastructure; and Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicle-to-Everything Communication Technologies. This course helps students understand the significance of assured autonomy safety and functional correctness of intelligent vehicles throughout the technology’s lifecycle. This course follows a seminar format where students are expected to lead class discussions and write a final report as part of a course project. The course project will teach experimental design and the scientific method. The outcome of the project will be a proposal that, if executed, could result in a workshop-quality publication. Execution of the proposed experiment is encouraged but not required for the class. Proposals will be graded by both the instructor and by classmates. This course is oriented around helping students learn how to make a compelling research contribution to the area of intelligent vehicles and assured autonomy.Students will also learn to critique scientific papers in this research area by reading articles from the literature and analyzing at least one paper in order to lead a class discussion.Prerequisites: This course is suitable for graduate students with little prior experience in the area.

Course Offerings


Intelligent Vehicles: Cybersecurity for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

08/27/2024 - 12/10/2024
Tues 4:30 p.m. - 7:10 p.m.
Fall 2024
Course Format
Synchronous Online
Course Materials