Education History

  • BS, Biomedical Engineering, Bucknell University
  • MS, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Work Experience

Associate Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


A.S. Iwaskiw, R.S. Armiger, K.A. Ott, A.C. Wickwire, A.C. Merkle “Response of Individual Thoracolumbar Spine Ligaments Under High-Rate Deformation”, Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium (RMBS), Blacksburg, VA, March 22-24, 2012

Ott, K; Armiger, R; Wickwire, A; Iwaskiw, A; and Merkle, A. “Determination of Simple Shear Material Properties of the Brain at High Rates,” SEM XII International Congress & Exposition, Costa Mesa, CA. June 11-14, 2012

Merkle, A; Armiger, R; Wickwire, A; Iwaskiw, A; Voo, L; and Carneal C. “Characterizing Brain Mechanics during a Two-Phase Response to Dynamic Overpressure Loading,” Fortieth International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research. Savannah, GA. October 29-31, 2012

Armiger,R; Otake, Y; Iwaskiw, A; Wickwire, A; Ott, K; Armand, M; Merkle A; “Biomechanical Response of Blast Loading to the Head Using 2D-3D Cineradiographic Registration”

A. Golman, A Wickwire,T Harigan, A Iwaskiw, R Armiger, A Merkle.”Hierarchical Model Validation of the Falx Ceribri and Tentorium Cerebelli” Forty First International Workshop on Human Subjects for Biomechanical Research, Orlando, FL. Nov 10, 2013

A.S. Iwaskiw,A.C. Wickwire, R.S. Armiger, A.C. Merkle, C.M. Carneal. “Automated Measurement Technique for the Determination of Regional Skull and Scalp Constituent Thickness: Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium (RMBS), Salt Lake City UT, 2015

Bradfield, C.A., Demetropoulos, C.K., Pyles, C.O., Bar-Kochba, E., Iwaskiw, A.S., Gienger, E.B., Merkle, A.C. and Armiger, R.S. “Novel Measurement of Intradiscal Pressure in Underbody Blast Simulation.” ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.

Gibson, M.W., Armiger, R.S., Biermann, P.J., Boyle, M.P., Iwaskiw, A.S., Lennon, A.M., Merkle, A.C., Pyles, C.O., Seker, D.P., Vavalle, N.A. and Xia, Z Warrior Injury Assessment Manikin (WIAMan) Lumbar Spine Model Validation: Development, Testing, and Analysis of Physical and Computational Models of the WIAMan Lumbar Spine Materials Demonstrator. No. ARL-TR-7733. US Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground United States, 2016.

Thielen, P., Mehoke, T., Gleason, J., Iwaskiw, A., Paulson, J., Merkle, A., Wester, B. and Dymond, J. “Exploration of the molecular basis of blast injury in a biofidelic model of traumatic brain injury.” Shock Waves (2018): 1-12.

Iwaskiw, A. S., et al. “The measurement of intracranial pressure and brain displacement due to short-duration dynamic overpressure loading.” Shock Waves (2018): 1-21.


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Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Applied Biomedical Engineering