Education History

  • B S, Engineering Mechanics, Moscow State University
  • M S, Engineering Mechanics, Moscow State University
  • Ph D, Solid Mechanics, Moscow, Russia
  • Dr Sc, Engineering Mechanics, Moscow, Russia

Work Experience

Professor, (Retired), JHU Whiting School of Engineering


R.S. Yerrabelli, S. M. Somers, W.L. Grayson, A.A. Spector, Modeling the Mechanics of Fibrous-Porous Scaffolds for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2021, 59 (1), 131-142

D. Yuan, S.M. Somers, W.L. Grayson, A.A. Spector, A Poroelastic Model of a Fibrous-Porous Tissue Engineering Scaffold, Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), pp. 5043-5050.

R. S. Deshpande, W. L. Grayson, and A. A. Spector, A Modeling Insight into Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Myogenesis, Plos One, 2015, 10, art e0137918.

B. Harland, W.-h. Lee, W.E. Brownell, S.X. Sun, and A.A. Spector, The Potential and Electric Field in the Cochlear Outer Hair Cell Membrane, Medical & Biol. Eng. & Comp., 2015, 53, pp. 405-413.

H. Pinar Yilgor; A. Wang, A.A. Spector, and W.L. Grayson. Multistage Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Myogenesis: An Experimental and Modeling Study, Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 2014, 7 pp. 497-509.

R.J. Powers, Richard J.; S. Kulason, Atilgan, E. , W.E. Brownell, S.X. Sun, P. Barr-Gillespie, and A.A. Spector, The Local Forces Acting on the Mechanotransduction Channel in Hair Cell Stereocilia, Biophys. J. , 2014, 106, pp. 2519-2528.

N. Khatibzadeh, A.A. Spector, W.E. Brownell, and B. Anvari, Rate-Dependent Dynamics of Cellular Membranes Probed by Laser Tweezers and Optical Displacement Sensing, Optical Elastograthy and Tissue Biomechanics. Book Series: Proceedings of SPIE, 2014, pp. 89460P1-89460P6.

N. Khatibzadeh, A.A. Spector, W.E. Brownell, and A. Bahman, Effects of Plasma Membrane Cholesterol Level and Cytoskeleton F-Actin on Cell Protrusion Mechanics,
PLOS One, 2013, 8, e57147.

S. Roy, W.E. Brownell, and A.A. Spector, Modeling Electrically Active Viscoelastic Membranes, PLoS One, 2012, 7, e37667.

C.M. Nelson, R.P. Jean, T.L. Tan, M.F. Lui, N.J. Snaidecki, A,A, Spector, and C.S. Chen, Emerging Patterns of Growth Controlled by Multicellular Form and Mechanics, PNAS, 2005,102, pp.11594-11599.

R.P. Jean, C. S. Chen, A.A. Spector, Finite Element Analysis of the Adhesions-Cytoskeleton-Nucleus Mehanotransduction Pathway during Endothelial Cell Rounding, J. Biomech. Eng, 2005, 126, pp. 550-558.

Honors and Awards

  • Paper featured on a cover of Biophysical Journal (2012)
  • PURA award with undergraduate student (2011)
  • Fellow of ASME (2010)
  • PURA award with undergraduate student (2003)

Professional Organizations

American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Biomedical Engineering Society


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Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Applied Biomedical Engineering
Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Applied Biomedical Engineering