Education History

  • B.S. Geology, State University of New York at Albany
  • M.S. Geology, Colorado State University
  • PHD Earth Resources, Colorado State University

Work Experience

Adjunct Faculty, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, Engineering for Professionals


Laceby, J.P., Gellis, A.C., Koiter., A.J.Blake,W.J., Evrard, O. 2019, Preface—evaluating the response of critical zone processes to human impacts with sediment source fingerprinting: Journal of Soils and Sediments. V. 19(9) pp 3245–3254.

Gellis, A.C., Fuller, C.C., Van Metre, P., Filstrup, C.T., Tomer, M.D., Cole, K.J., Sabitov, T.Y., 2018, Combining sediment fingerprinting with age-dating sediment using fallout radionuclides for an agricultural stream, Walnut Creek, Iowa, USA: Journal of Soils and Sediment, online version

Gellis, A.C., Gorman Sanisaca, L.E., and Cashman, M.J., 2018, Sediment Source Assessment Using Sediment Fingerprints: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2018-3008;

Konrad, C., and Gellis, A., 2018, Factors Influencing Fine Sediment on Stream Beds in the Midwestern United States: Journal of Environmental Quality, v. 47, p.1214-1222. Concept

Gellis, A.C., and Gorman Sanisaca, L., 2018, Sediment Fingerprinting to Delineate Sources of Sediment in the Agricultural and Forested Smith Creek Watershed, Virginia, USA: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, p. 1-25 Published online;

Cashman, M.J., Gellis, A.C., Gorman Sanisaca, L., Noe, G. , Cogliandro, V., and Baker A., 2018. Bank-derived sediment dominates in a suburban Chesapeake Bay watershed, Upper Difficult Run, Virginia, USA. River Research and Applications, published on line, DOI: 10.1002/rra.3325. Available at
Hopkins, K. G., Noe, G. B., Franco, F., Pindilli, E. J., Gordon, S., Metes, M. J., Claggett, P. R. Gellis, A. C., Hupp, C. R., and Hogan, D. M. 2018. A method to quantify and value floodplain sediment and nutrient retention ecosystem services. Journal of Environmental Management, 220, 65-76.

Gillespie, J.L., Noe, G.B., Hupp, C.R., Gellis, A.C. and Schenk, E.R. 2018. Floodplain trapping and cycling compared to streambank erosion of sediment and nutrients in an agricultural watershed. Journal of American Water Resources Association.

Gellis, A.C., Elliott, J.G. and Pavich, M., 2017, Geomorphic processes responsible for decadal-scale arroyo changes, Rio Puerco, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Gellis, A.C., Myers, M.K. Noe, G.B., Hupp, C.R. Schenk, E.R., and Myers, L., 2017, Storms, channel changes, and a sediment budget for an urban-suburban stream, Difficult Run, Virginia, USA: Geomorphology, v. 278, p.128–148.

Gellis, A., Fitzpatrick, F., and Schubauer-Berigan, J., 2016, A Manual to Identify Sources of Fluvial Sediment: EPA report, EPA/600/R-16/210, 106 p.  accessed at

Collins, A.L., Pulley, S., Foster, I.D.L., Gellis., A., Porto, P., and Horowitz., A.J., 2017, Sediment source fingerprinting as an aid to catchment management: A review of the current state of knowledge and a methodological decision-tree for end-users, Journal of Environmental Management ,

Gellis, A.C., Fuller, C.C., Van Metre, P.C., 2017, Sources and ages of fine-grained sediment to streams using fallout radionuclides in the Midwestern United States: Journal of Environmental Management, v. 194, p. 73-85.  Available at

Gellis, A.C., Fitzpatrick, F.A., Gorman-Sanisaca, Schunauer-Berigan, J. and Landy., R., 2015, Identifying Sediment Sources in the Sediment TMDL Process: 10th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, NV, April 19-23, 2015,

Gellis, A.C., Noe, G.B., Clune, J.W., Myers, M.K., Hupp, C.R., Schenk, E.R., and Schwarz, G.E., 2015, Sources of fine grained sediment in the Linganore Creek watershed, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland, 2008–10: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5147, 56 p.

Donovan, M., Miller, A., Baker., M., and Gellis., A., 2015, Sediment contributions from floodplains and legacy sediments to Piedmont streams of Baltimore County, Maryland Geomorphology, v. 235, p. 88-105.

Pizzuto, J., Schenk, E,R,, Hupp, C,R,, Gellis, A., Noe, G., Williamson, E., Karwan, D.L., O’Neal, M., Marquard, J., snf Aalto R., 2014, Characteristic length scales and time-averaged transport velocities of suspended sediment in the mid-Atlantic Region, USA: Water Resources Research, v. 50(2), p. 790-805.

Williamson, T. N., Christensen, V. G., Richardson, W. B., Frey, J. W., Gellis, A.C., Kieta, K. A., and Fitzpatrick, F. A., 2014, Stream Sediment Sources in Midwest Agricultural Basins with Land Retirement along Channel: Journal of Environmental Quality, v.43, p. 1624–1634.

Stewart, H.A., Massoudieh, A., and  Gellis, A., 2014, Sediment source apportionment in Laurel Hill Creek, PA, using Bayesian chemical mass balance and isotope fingerprinting Hydrological Processes, Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI:10.1002/hyp.10364, 15 p. This paper is based 100% on my data collection. 

Donovan, M., Miller, A., Baker., M., and Gellis., A., 2015, Sediment contributions from floodplains and legacy sediments to Piedmont streams of Baltimore County, Maryland Geomorphology, v. 235, p. 88-105

Gellis, A.C., Noe, G.B., Clune, J.W., Myers, M.K., Hupp, C.R., Schenk, E.R., and Schwarz, G.E., 2015, Sources of fine grained sediment in the Linganore Creek watershed, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland, 2008–10: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2014–5147, 56 p.

Gellis, A.C., Fitzpatrick, F.A., Gorman-Sanisaca, Schubauer-Berigan, J. and Landy., R., 2015, Identifying Sediment Sources in the Sediment TMDL Process: 10th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, NV, April 19-23, 2015,

Pizzuto, J., Schenk, E.R., Hupp, C.R., Gellis, A., Noe, N., Williamson, E., Karwan, D.L.,. O’Neal, M., Marquard, J., Aalto, R., and Newbold, D., 2014,Characteristic length scales and time-averaged transport velocities of suspended sediment in the mid-Atlantic Region, USA, Published online DOI: 10.1002/2013WR014485

Gellis, A.C. and Mukundan, R., 2013, Watershed sediment source: identification: tools, approaches,and case studies: In Mukundan, R., and Gellis, A.C., (eds.), Watershed Sediment Source Identification: Tools, Approaches, and Case Studies, Special issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-013-0778-z, available online.

Gellis, A.C., and Noe, G.B., 2013, Sediment source analysis in the Linganore Creek watershed, Maryland, USA, using the sediment fingerprinting approach: 2008 to 2010: In Mukundan, R., and Gellis, A.C., (eds.), Watershed Sediment Source Identification: Tools, Approaches, and Case Studies, Special issue of the Journal of Soils and Sediments, DOI 10.1007/s11368-013-0771-6, available online.

Gellis, A.C., 2013, Factors influencing storm-generated suspended-sediment concentrations and loads in four basins of contrasting land use, humid-tropical Puerto Rico: CATENA, v. 104, p. 39-57.

Sloto, R.A., Gellis, A.C., and Galeone, D.G., 2012, Total nitrogen and suspended-sediment loads and identification of suspended-sediment sources in the Laurel Hill Creek watershed, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, water years 2010–11: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5250, 44 p.

Mukundan, R., Walling, D.E., Gellis, A.C., Slattery, M.C., and Radcliffe., D.R., 2012, Sediment Source Fingerprinting: Transforming from a Research Tool to a Management Tool: Journal of the American Water Resources Association, v. 48, no. 6, p. 1241–1257.

Massoudieh, A., Gellis., A.C., Banks, W.S., and Wieczorek, M.E., 2012, Suspended sediment source apportionment in Chesapeake Bay watershed using Bayesian chemical mass balance receptor modeling: Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9429, published online: 6 JUL 2012.

Schenk, E. R., Hupp, C. R., Gellis, A. and Noe, G. (2012), Developing a new stream metric for comparing stream function using a bank–floodplain sediment budget: a case study of three Piedmont streams. Earth Surf. Process. Landforms. doi: 10.1002/esp.3314

Gellis, A.C., Pavich, M.J., Ellwein, A.L., Aby, S., Clark, I., Wieczorek, M.E., and Viger, R., 2012; Erosion, Storage, and Transport of Sediment in Two Subbasins of the Rio Puerco, New Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 124; no. 5/6; p. 817–841.

Schenk, E.R., Hupp, C.R., and Gellis, A.C., 2011, Sediment Dynamics in the Restored Reach of the Kissimmee River Basin, Florida– A Vast Subtropical Riparian Wetland: River Research and Application, Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/rra.1577, 15 p.

Merritts, D., Walter, R., Rahnis, M., Hartranft, J., Cox, S, Gellis, A., Potter, N., Hilgartner, W., Langland, M., Manion, L., Lippincott, C., Siddiqui, S., Rehman, Z., Scheid, C., Kratz, L., Shilling, A., Jenschke, M., Datin, K., Cranmer, E., Reed, A., Matuszewski, D., Voli, M., Ohlson, E., Neugebauer, A., Ahamed, A., Neal, C., Winter, A., and Becker, S., 2011, Anthropocene Streams and Base-level Controls from Historic Dams in the Unglaciated Mid-Atlantic Region, USA: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A- Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, v. 369, p. 976-1009.

Gellis, A.C., and Walling, D.E, 2011, Sediment-source fingerprinting (tracing) and sediment budgets as tools in targeting river and watershed restoration programs: Simon, A., Bennett, S.., Castro, J.M., eds., Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools, American Geophysical Union Monograph Series 194, p. 263-291.

Banks, W.S.L., Gellis, A.C., and Noe, G., 2010, Sources of Fine-Grained Suspended Sediment in Mill Stream Branch Watershed, Corsica River Basin, A Tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, 2009, in Proceedings, 2nd Joint Federal Interagency, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 – July 1, 2010, CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-0779007-3-2, 6B, 12p.

Larsen, M.C., Gellis, A. C., Glysson, G.D., Gray, J.R., and Horowitz, A. J., 2010, Fluvial sediment in the environment: a national problem: in Proceedings, 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 – July 1, 2010, 15 p.

Clune, J.W., Gellis, A.C., and McKee, L.G., 2010, Agricultural Soil Erosion Rates for the Linganore Creek Watershed in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: in Proceedings, 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 – July 1, 2010, CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-0779007-3-2, 7A3, 8p.

Gellis., A.C., Pearman, Valdes, J.J., and Habermahl, P., 2010 Suspended-Sediment And Bedload Monitoring of the Kissimmee River Restoration, July 2007 Through September 2008: in Proceedings, 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 – July 1, 2010, CD-ROM ISBN 978-0-0779007-3-2, 6D, 13p.

Devereux, O.H., Prestegaard, K.L., Needelman, B.A., Gellis, A.C., 2010, Suspended-sediment sources in an urban watershed, Northeast Branch Anacostia River, Maryland: Hydrological Processes, v. 24(11), p. 1391 – 1403.

Mossa, J., Gellis, A.C., Hupp, C.R, Pearman, J.L., Garfield, U., Schenk, E., Rasmussen, J., Valdés, J., and Habermehl, P.,2010, Geomorphic Monitoring if the Kissimmee River Restoration– 2006-2009: Final Report Submitted to the South Florida Water Management District Kissimmee River Division, West Palm Beach, FL, 195 p.

Gellis, A.C., Hupp, C.R., Pavich, M.J., Landwehr, J.M., Banks, W.S.L., Hubbard, B.E., Langland, M.J., Ritchie, J.C., and Reuter, J.M., 2009, Sources, Transport, and Storage of Sediment at Selected Sites in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5186, 95 p.

Gellis, A. C., Webb, R.M.T., Wolfe, W.J., and McIntyre, S.C.I., 2006b, Changes in Land use and Reservoir Sedimentation: A case study in the Lago Loiza basin, Puerto Rico: Physical Geography, v. 27, p. 39-69.

Gellis, A.C. and Landwehr, J.M., 2006a, Identifying sources of fine-grained suspended-sediment in the Pocomoke River, an Eastern Shore tributary to the Chesapeake Bay: Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference 2006, 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, April 2–6, 2006, Reno, NV, Paper 5C-1 in CD_ROM file ISBN 0-9779007-1-1, 9.

Bierman, P.R., Reuter, J.M., Pavich, M., Gellis, A.C., Caffee, M.W., and Larsen, J., 2005, Using cosmogenic radionuclides to contrast rates of erosion and sediment yield in a semi-arid, arroyo-dominated landscape, Rio Puerco Basin, New Mexico: Earth Surfaces Processes and Landforms, v. 30, p. 935-953.

Gellis, A.C., Emmett, W.W., and Leopold, L.B., 2005b, Channel and hillslope processes revisited in the Arroyo de los Frijoles watershed near Santa Fe, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1704, 53 p.

Gellis, A.C., Banks, W.S.L., Langland, M.J., and Martucci, S., 2005a, Suspended-sediment Data for Streams Draining the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Water Years 1952-2002: Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5056, 59 p.

Gellis, A.C., Pavich, M.J., Bierman, P., Ellwein, A., Aby, S., and Clapp, E., 2004, Modern sediment yield compared to geologic rates of sediment generation in a semiarid basin, New Mexico–Assessing the human impact: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 29, p.1359-1372.

Gellis, A.C., Smith, S., and Stewart, S., 2003, Watershed sediment sources: in, A Summary Report of Sediment Processes in Chesapeake Bay and Watershed: edited by Michael Langland and Thomas Cronin, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4123, Chapter 3, p. 29-33.

Gellis, A.C., 2003, Suspended-Sediment Characteristics in Four Humid Tropical Watersheds of Contrasting Land Use, Puerto Rico: Colorado State University, Unpublished PhD dissertation.

Gellis, A.C., 2002, Twentieth Century Channel Changes in Chaco Culture National Historic Park: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4251, 42 p.

Gellis, A., Pavich, M., Bierman, P., Ellwein, A., Aby, S., and Clapp, E., 2001, Comparison of geomorphic and isotopic measurements for erosion in the Rio Puerco, New Mexico, in Cole, J.C., ed., U. S. Geological Survey Middle Rio Grande basin study; proceedings Open-File Report – U. S. Geological Survey, U. S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, p. 46-47.

Gellis, A.C., and Elliott, J.G., 2001, Arroyo changes in selected watersheds of New Mexico, United States: In Harvey, M., and Anthony, D., eds., Applying Geomorphology to Environmental Management, A Special Publication Honoring Stanley A. Schumm, Water Resources Publications, LLC Press, p. 225-240.

Love, D.W., and Gellis, A.C., 2001, What decision makers should know about arroyos in New Mexico: in Johnson, P.S., ed., Water, Watersheds, and Land Use in New Mexico, New Mexico Decision-Makers Field Guide no. 1, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Socorro, New Mexico, p. 81-83.

Gellis, A.C, 2001, Factors controlling storm-generated suspended-sediment concentrations and loads in a humid-tropical basin, Quebrada Blanca, Puerto Rico: Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, p. V91-V98.

Gellis, A.C., Pavich, M.J., and Ellwein, A., 2001b, Erosion and sediment yields in two subbasins of contrasting land use, Rio Puerco, New Mexico: Proceedings of the Seventh Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Reno, Nevada, p. V83-V90.

Gellis, A.C., Cheama, A., and Lalio, S.M., 2001a, Developing an approach for ranking watersheds for rehabilitation, Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico: Geomorphology, v. 37, p. 105-134.

Elliott, J.G., Gellis, A.C., and Aby, S.B., 1999, Evolution of Arroyos–Incised Channels of the Southwestern United States: In Darby, S.E., and Simon, A., eds., Incised Channels–Processes, Forms, Engineering and Management, p. 153-185.

Gellis, A.C., Webb, R.M.T., Wolfe, W.J., and McIntyre, S.C.I., 1999, Effects of land use on upland erosion, sediment transport, and reservoir sedimentation, Lago Loiza Basin, Puerto Rico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4010, 60 p.

Gellis, A.C., and Aby, S., 1998, Erosion yields in the Arroyo Chavez Basin, Rio Puerco, New Mexico: In Soil Water and Earthquakes around Socorro, New Mexico, Harrison, L.B.J., ed., Rocky Mountain Cell, Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip Guidebook, September 10-13, 1998, 8 p.

Gellis, A.C., 1998b, Surface-water and suspended-sediment inflow and outflow for Nutria Reservoir No. 3, Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico, March 1994 to September 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4083, 22p.

Gellis, A.C., 1998a, Characterization and evaluation of channel and hillslope erosion on the Zuni Reservation, 1992-95: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4292, 51 p.

Gellis, A.C., Andres, C., Lalio, S., and Enote, J., 1997, Selecting a watershed for rehabilitation at the Zuni Reservation. Watershed and Wet Weather Technical Bulletin, v.1, no. 1, p. 9-12.

Gellis, A.C., 1996, Gullying at the Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico: Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, v.51, no.2, p.155-159.

Gellis, A.C., Andres, C., Lalio, S., and Enote, J., 1996, An approach to selecting a watershed for rehabilitation developed for the Zuni Reservation, New Mexico: Watershed 96 Proceedings, Baltimore, MD., June 8-12, 1996, p. 360-363.

Gellis, A.C., 1995, Erosion assessment at the Petroglyph National Monument area, Albuquerque, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4205, 39 p.

Gellis, A.C., Cheama, A., Laahty, V., and Lalio, S., 1995, Assessment of gully-control structures in the Rio Nutria watershed, Zuni Reservation, New Mexico: Water Resources Bulletin, v. 31, no. 4, p. 633-636.

Gellis, A.C., 1993, The effects of Hurricane Hugo on suspended-sediment loads, Lago Loíza basin, Puerto Rico: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v.18, no. 5. p. 505-517.

Gellis, A.C., 1993, Results of investigation of erosion at the Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Administrative Report, 27 p.

Gellis, A.C., 1992, Decreasing trends of suspended-sediment loads in selected streamflow stations in New Mexico: New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Report No. 265, Proceedings of the 36th Annual New Mexico Water Conference, Las Cruces, N.Mex., p. 77-93.

Gellis, A.C., Hereford, R., Schumm, S.A., and Hayes, B.R., 1991, Channel evolution and hydrologic variations in the Colorado River basin–Factors influencing sediment and salt loads: Journal of Hydrology, v. 124, p. 317-344.

Gellis, A.C., 1991, Construction effects on sediment for two basins, Puerto Rico: Proceedings of the Fifth Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference, Las Vegas, Nev., chap. 4, p. 72-78.

Gellis, A.C., Hereford, R., and Schumm, S.A., 1989, Geomorphic and hydrologic control of sediment and salt loads in the Colorado River basin–Significance for conservation and land management: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-121, 36 p.

Schumm, S.A., and Gellis, A.C., 1989, Sediment yield variations as a function of incised channel evolution, in Brush, L.M. et al., eds., Taming the Yellow River–Silt and floods: Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 99-109.

Gellis, A.C., 1988, Decreasing sediment and salt loads in the Colorado River basin–A response to arroyo evolution: Fort Collins, Colo., Colorado State University, unpublished M.S. thesis, 178 p.

Honors and Awards

  • GSA Fellowship (2018)

Professional Organizations

American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of America
International Commission on Continental Erosion


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Asynchronous Online
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Environmental Engineering and Science