Education History

  • Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Gazi University
  • Structural dynamis and earthquake engineering, Civil Engineering, The Catholic University of America
  • Structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Civil Engineering, The Catholic University of America

Work Experience

Engineering Manager, McMillen Jacobs Associates


1. Ucak, A., Mavroeidis, G., and Tsopelas, P. “Behavior of a Seismically Isolated Bridge Crossing a Fault Rupture Zone.” Soil Dynamics and Structural Engineering, in press.

2. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas, P. “Load Path Effects in Circular Steel Columns under Bidirectional Lateral Cyclic Loading.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, under review.

3. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas, P. “Accurate Modeling of the Cyclic Response of Structural Components Constructed of Steel with Yield Plateau.” Engineering Structures, 35, 2012, pp.272-280.

4. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas, P. “Constitutive Model for Cyclic Response of Structural Steels with Yield Plateau.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 137(2), 2011, pp.195-206.

5. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas, P. “Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Seismic Isolated Bridges.” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 134(7), 2008, pp.1154-1164.

6. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas, P., Discussion on “Stability and Ductility of Thin Walled Circular Steel Columns under Cyclic Bidirectional Loading.” by Goto, Y., Jiang, K. and Obata, M. (published in Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 132(10), 2006, pp.1621-1631), Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 134(5), 2008, pp.865-867.

7. Ucak, A. and Tsopelas P. “Cellular and Corrugated Cross-Sectional Thin Walled Steel Bridge Piers/Columns.” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 24(3), 2006, pp.355-374

8. Ozdemir, O and Ucak, A. “Simulation of Chlorine Decay in Drinking-Water Distribution Systems.” Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 128(1), 2002, pp.31-39

Professional Organizations

American Society of Civil Engineers
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
American Institute of Steel Construction