Education History

  • B E, Environmental Engineering, Guijarat University
  • M S, Environmental Engineering & Science, Stanford University
  • Ph D, Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Work Experience

Senior Engineer, Arcadis, Inc.


Wadhawan, A. R.; Livi, K. J., Stone, A. T.; Bouwer, E. J.; 2015. Influence of oxygenation of chromium redox reactions with manganese sulfide (MnS(s)); Environmental Science and Technology,49(6),3523-3531.
Wadhawan, A. R.; Stone, A. T.; Bouwer, E. J.; 2013. Biogeochemcial controls on hexavalent chromium formation in estuarine sediments; Environmental Science and Technology,47(15),8220-8228.
Wadhawan, A. R. 2012. Geochemical influences on chromium specation and fate in estuarine sediments; Importance of redox interactions with managanese sulfide minerals. Ph.D. Thesis, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Wadhawan, A. R.; Stone, A. T.; Bouwer, E. J.; 2012. Chromium speciation and mobility in estuarine sediments; In Toxic Trace Metal Remobilization and Remediation; ACS symposium series book; ed. C. M. Hamilton; American Chemical Society, Washington DC.
Luo, Z.; Wadhawan, A. R.; Bouwer, E. J.; 2010. Sorption behavior of nine chromium(III) organic complexes in soil. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 7 (1), 1-10.
Graham, A. M..; Wadhawan, A. R.; Bouwer, E. J.; 2009. Chromium occurrence and speciation in Baltimore Harbor sediments and porewater, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28 (3), 471-480.

Honors and Awards

  • Graduate Student Award, American Chemical Society – Environmental Chemistry Division (2011)


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Environmental Engineering and Science