Andy Stoddard is a senior environmental engineer with Dynamic Solutions, LLC in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has over four decades’ experience performing federal, academic, and consulting projects related to watershed hydrology, nutrient biogeochemistry, toxic chemicals, oxygen depletion, eutrophication, sediment diagenesis and aquatic ecology. He is nationally recognized as an expert for his applications of EPA-supported public domain models (EFDC, WASP, and QUAL2K) for Clean Water Act (CWA)-related studies. He was principal co-author of a book that explored the cause-effect relationship of CWA effluent regulations on long-term trend improvements in national-scale water quality conditions. This study earned recognition from EPA’s Office of Water as “the first national-scale study to provide a rigorous evaluation of the effectiveness of the effluent regulation policies in achieving the ‘fishable and swimmable’ goals of the CWA.”

Stoddard is a co-instructor for the courses, Modeling Contaminant Migration through Multimedia Systems and Environmental Monitoring and Sampling in Johns Hopkins University’s Engineering for Professionals programs.

Education History

  • B.CE, Civil Engineering, Manhattan College
  • M.EE, Environmental Engineering & Science, Manhattan College
  • Ph.D., Environmental Engineering & Science, University of Washington

Work Experience

Senior Consulting Engineer, Dynamic Solutions, LLC.


Borsuah, J.F., Stoodley, S., Storm, D., Dzialowski, A. and Stoddard, A. 2018. Development of a Three-Layer Steady State Vertical Dissolved Oxygen Model in Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Natural Resources, 9, 448-467.

Stoddard, A. 2018. Book Review: Hydrodynamics and Water Quality Modeling Rivers, Lakes and Estuaries, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Limnology & Oceanography Bulletin, Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp 64-65, May.

Xia, Meng, Craig, P.M., Schaeffer, B., Stoddard, A., Liu, Z., Peng, M., Zhang, H., Wallen, C.M., Bailey, N. and Mandrup-Poulsen, J. 2010, The Influence of Physical Forcing on Bottom-Water Dissolved Oxygen within the Calooshatchee Estuary, FL., Jour. Environmental Engineering Vol. 136, No. 10, pp. 1032-1044.

Brosnan, T., A. Stoddard, L. Hetling. 2006. Sewage Inputs and Impacts: Past and Present. In: J. Levinton and J.R. Waldman (eds.) The Hudson River Estuary, Chapter 23, pp 335-348, Cambridge University Press, New York, NY.

Stoddard, A., J. B. Harcum, J.R. Pagenkopf, J. Simpson and R.K. Bastian .2002. Municipal wastewater treatment: evaluating improvements in national water quality. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY.

Pagenkopf, J.R., M.R. Morton, A. Stoddard, and E. D. Santoro. 1989. Water quality monitoring and modeling for the Peconic Bay BTCAMP. In Coastal and estuarine studies, novel phytoplankton blooms: Causes and impacts of recurrent brown tides and other unusual blooms, ed. E.M. Cosper, Bricelji, and E.J. Carpenter, pp. 761-778. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany.

Stoddard, A., and J.J. Walsh. 1988. Modeling oxygen depletion in the New York Bight: The water quality impact of a potential increase of waste inputs. In Oceanic processes in marine pollution, Vol.5: Urban wastes in coastal marine environments, ed. D.A. Wolfe, pp. 91-102. Krieger Publishing Co., Malabar, FL.

Crevensten, D., and A. Stoddard. 1974. Water quality model of the Lower Fox River, Wisconsin. In Proceedings of 17th Conference on Great Lakes Research, IAGLR, pp. 501-513.

Honors and Awards

  • Who’s Who in Science and Engineering, 5th through 8th editions (2000)
  • Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC) publication prize for physical sciences (1986)

Professional Organizations

Coastal Estuarine Research Federation
American Water Resources Association
American Geophysical Union


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Environmental Engineering