Dr. Maybhate obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from University of Pune, India in 2003. Since then, he has successfully explored multiple interdisciplinary areas of biomedical engineering, including complexities of human posture, and intra-cardiac ECG-based markers of myocardial infraction. Since late 2008 he has been a part of the neuroengineering laboratory at the Johns Hopkins University’s Department of Biomedical Engineering, where his research included development of bio-signals based markers of nervous system injuries, such as the spinal cord injury, cardiac arrest induced brain injury and the consequent critical care therapy. At EP, Dr. Maybhate is developing and teaching multiple online courses such as Principles of Medical Instrumentation and Devices, Principles of Medical Imaging, etc.

Education History

  • PhD, Physics, University of Pune

Work Experience

Lecturer, JHU Whiting School of Engineering


Google Scholar Profile: http://goo.gl/8zSNhD

Honors and Awards

  • Best New Instructor Award, WSE, Applied BME (2016)


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Applied Biomedical Engineering
Next Offered
Course Format
Synchronous Online
Primary Program
Applied Biomedical Engineering