Dr. Robert “Bob” Cameron

In addition to his role as course instructor for the Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Dr. Cameron is on the staff of KBR-Wyle and located in the Panhandle of Florida. Prior work activities were at the JHU Applied Physics Lab responsible for the planning, execution, and business development of air launched weapons and related weapon systems programs. Previously he served as a corporate Technical Fellow for TASC, working daily to apply advanced, academic and professional thinking and strategy to successfully execute work conducted for defense, homeland security, and transportation security. As a prior Division Director for Sentel, Dr. Cameron led a group of engineering professionals testing sensors, guidance and lethality aspects of air- to-ground weapons. He achieved a stellar reputation as a nationally-recognized industry expert in Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) as the technical advisor to the Air Force for over a decade. For over a decade he led a team of nationally-recognized weapon effects experts in explosive blast, weapon penetration, target response and realistic warfighter considerations in basic and applied sciences research investigating critical hard target response to explosive damage. Dr. Cameron taught organizational effectiveness in multi-day workshops for the Air Armament Academy at Eglin AFB

View Dr. Cameron’s Website:    www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-k-cameron-ph-d/2/390/265/   >>> then press VIEW FULL PROFILE

Education History

  • Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering, University of Alabama
  • Masters Business Administration, Regis University
  • Organization and Management Authentic Leadership, Capella University

Work Experience

Adjunct Professor, JHU Whiting School of Engineering


Cameron, Robert K., 2008, “Governing Ourselves Before Governing Others: An Investigation of Authentic Leadership”, Proceedings from the 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim, CA.
Cameron, R., Jerome, E., “JMEM Weaponeering System Blast Characterization Analysis Report”, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), October 2009.
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elisabetta L., (2009), “A Decade of Improving Air-delivered Capabilities Against Protected Structures”, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS), Bruel, Germany
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elisabetta L., Pires, Jose’, Needham, Charles; Rickman, Dennis, 2006, “Development of a Model to Predict Effectiveness of Air-Delivered Embedded Munitions Against Hardened Structures”, Proceedings of the 18th Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS19) in Calgary, Canada
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elisabetta L., and Curry, Thomas F., 2004, Investigating Flexural Damage Effects from Blast and Shock – Improving Penetrating Weapon Performance against Hardened Structures”, Proceedings of the 18th Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS18) Symposium, Bad Reichenhall, Germany
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elizabetta L., Binkley, Kelly A., and James, Joseph B., 2003, “Subscale Multi-Hit Penetration and Detonation Tests, Phase I,” AAC Technical Report 02-12, September 2003.
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elisabetta L., Binkley, Kelly A., and James, Joseph B., 2003 “Subscale Multi-Hit Penetration and Detonation Tests, Phase II,” AAC Technical Report 02-15, September 2003.
Cameron, Robert K., Binkley, Kelly A., Jerome, Elisabetta L., 2000, “A Methodology for Modeling the Sequential Impact of Modern Precision Guided Munitions – Phase II”, Proceedings from the 16th Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS16) Symposium, Oxford, England.
Cameron, Robert K., Jerome, Elisabetta L., Binkley, Kelly. A., and Curry, Thomas F. 2001, “Development of a Model to Predict Effectiveness of Multiple Penetrators Against Hardened Targets,”, Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS), San Diego, CA.
Talbot, Ian S., Cameron, Robert K., Dyess, William W., 1998, “A Methodology for Modeling the Sequential Impact of Modern Precision Guided Munitions”, Proceedings from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)


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