Brian Metrovich has worked and taught in the fields of structural engineering and structural mechanics, including in structural analysis and design, fracture mechanics, structural dynamics, quantum computing, and finite element methods. He has conducted research on steel structures, fatigue and fracture mechanics, and multiscale atomistic simulations of material performance for the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Office of Naval Research, and IBM. Metrovich earned a PhD in civil engineering from Lehigh University, an MS in civil engineering from Lehigh University, and a BS in civil engineering from Ohio Northern University.

Education History

  • B S, Civil Engineering, Ohio Northern University
  • M S, Civil Engineering, Lehigh University
  • Ph D, Civil Engineering, Lehigh University

Work Experience

Instructional Professor, University of Houston


Nemati, N., Metrovich, B., and Nanni, A., “Acoustic Emission Assessment of Fatigue Crack Growth From Transverse Weld Toe,” ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, February 2016, Vol. 28, No. 2.
Nemati, N., Metrovich, B., and Nanni, A., “Acoustic Emission Assessment of Through-Thickness Fatigue Crack Growth in Steel Members,” Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 19, Number 2, pp. 269-282, February 2015.
Nemati, N., Metrovich, B., and Nanni, A., “Effects of Test Parameters on Fracture and Fatigue Characteristics of a Modified SE(T) Steel Specimen,” Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 17, Number 9, pp 1359-1372, September 2014.
Metrovich, B., Fisher, J.W., and Yen, B.T., “Theoretical Development of Lower Bound S-N Fatigue Curves”, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 747-753, September/October 2012.
Giangarra, P., Metrovich, B., Schwitters, M., and Semple, B., “Smarter Bridges Through Advanced Structural Health Monitoring”, IBM Journal of Research and Development, Vol. 55, Issue 1.2, pp. 9:1-9:10, Jan-March 2011.
Metrovich, B. and Fisher, J.W., “Use of weld toe stress singularities in evaluating stress intensity factors for welded details,” Bridge Structures-Assessment, Design and Construction, Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 199-206, December 2006.
Metrovich, B. and Fisher, J.W., “Fatigue Strength of Stainless Steel Weldments,” International Journal of Steel Structures, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 189-198, September 2005.
Metrovich, B., Fisher, J.W., Yen, B.T., Kaufmann, E.J., Cheng, X., and Ma, Z., “Fatigue strength of welded AL-6XN superaustenitic stainless steel,” International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 25, Iss. 9-11, pp. 1309-1315, 2003.

Honors and Awards

  • Case School of Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Award (2012)
  • Carl F. Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching at Case Western Reserve University (2011)
  • ONR/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship as NSWC-Carderock Division (2007)


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Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Civil Engineering