Education History
- M.Sc., Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University
- Ph.D., Theoretical Physics, University of Pittsburgh
Work Experience
Principal Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
• C. Savkli, C. Schwartz. “Random Subspace Mixture Models for Interpretable Anomaly Detection” 23rd International Conf. on Artificial Intelligence July 26 2021
• C. Savkli, C. Schwartz, A. Galante, J. Cohen. (2020) “Novel Edge and Density Metrics for Link Cohesion”. In: Cherifi H., Gaito S., Mendes J., Moro E., Rocha L. (eds). Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 881, pp 52-63. Springer.
• C. Savkli, J. Lin, P. Graff, M. Kinsey. “GALILEO: A Generalized Low Entropy Mixture Model.” Int. Conf. on Data Mining (DMIN ‘17), Las Vegas, NV 2017
• C. Savkli., R. Carr, L. Kennell, P. Graff, “Bayesian Learning of Clique Tree Structure”, Int’l Conf. Data Mining | DMIN’16 Las Vegas, NV 2016
• C. Savkli, R. Carr, M. Chapman, B. Chee, and D. Minch, “Socrates, a Scalable Graph Analytics System,” Proceedings of IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference, Boston, MA, 8–11 September 2014.
• Z. Li and C. Savkli, “Autonomic Computing for Spacecraft Ground Systems,” Conference Proceedings for the Second IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technologies (SMC-IT 2006), 17–20 July 2006
• C. Savkli, F. Gross, J. Tjon, “Nonperturbative Dynamics of scalar field theories through the Feynman-Schwinger representation”, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Vol 68, No. 5, 2005, pp 842-860.
• Z. Li, C. Savkli, D. Smith, “Increasing the operational value of system event messages”, Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Reducing the Cost of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations, Pasadena CA, 2003.
• C. Savkli, F. Gross, J. Tjon, “The role of interaction vertices in bound state calculations”, Phys. Lett. B 531:161-166,2002.
• F. Gross, C. Savkli, J. Tjon, “The stability of the scalar chi2phi interaction”, Phys. Rev. D. 64, 076008 (2001).
• C. Savkli, F. Gross, “Quark-Antiquark bound states in the Relativistic Spectator Formalism”, Phys Review C 63, 035208, (2001).
• Cetin Savkli, “Nonperturbative evaluation of the few-body states for scalar chi2phi interaction”, Computer Physics Communications 135 312 2001
• C. Savkli, F. Gross, J. Tjon,”Confinement and the Analytic structure of the one-body propagator in SQED” Phys Review D 62 116006 (2000).
• Cetin Savkli, John Tjon, Franz Gross, “The Feynman-Schwinger representation approach to nonperturbative physics” Phys Review C 60 055210 (1999).
• C. Coriano, Cetin Savkli, “QCD Evolution Equations: Numerical Algorithms for Laguerre Method.” Computer Physics Communications 118 236-258 (1999),
• C. Coriano, Hsiang-nan Li, Cetin Savkli, “Exclusive QCD Processes, quark-hadron duality, and the transition to perturbative QCD”, Journal of High Energy Physics JHEP 07 008 (1998).
• Cetin Savkli, Frank Tabakin, “A Dyson-Schwinger Bethe-Salpeter approach to the q-qbar bound state”, Nucl. Phys. A, Volume 628, No.4, (1998).
• Jiri Adam, Franz Gross, Cetin Savkli, J. W. Van Orden, “Normalization of the covariant three-body bound state vertex function”, Phys. Rev. C 56, 641, 1997.
• Frank Tabakin, Cetin Savkli, Michael Pichowsky, “Polarization observables in vector meson photoproduction”, Phys. Rev. C 53, 593, 1996.
• Cetin Savkli, Frank Tabakin, Shin Nan Yang, “Multipole Analysis of Spin Observables in Vector Meson Photoproduction”, Phys. Rev. C 53, 1132, 1996.
• Cetin Savkli, “Feynman-Schwinger Representation method for bound states”, Nucl. Phys. A Volume 689, 179-182, (2001)
• Cetin Savkli, “Feynman-Schwinger technique in field theories”, Series of invited lectures at the 13th Indian-Summer School, “Understanding the Structure of Hadrons”, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28 – September 1, 2000.