Education History

  • Bachelor of Science, Chemistry, Oklahoma State University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, University of California

Work Experience

Air Pollution Specialist, California Air Resources Board


1. Jakober, CA, TJ Phillips, PL Jenkins, S Aston, A Cowell, E. MacDougall, and KR Stroud, in preparation. Ozone Emissions from Indoor Air Cleaning Devices. Indoor Air.

2. Jakober, CA, SL Mara, YK Hsu, and JD Herner, 2015. Mobile Measurements of Climate Forcing Agents: Application to Methane Emissions from Landfill and Natural Gas Compression. J. of the Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 65(4): 404-412.

3. Park, SS, K Kozawa, C Jakober, S Fruin, S Mara, YK Hsu, A Winer and J Herner, 2011. Emission Factors for High-Emitting Vehicles Based on On-Road Measurements of Individual Vehicle Exhaust with a Mobile Measurement Platform. J. of the Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 61(10): 1046-1056.

4. Chen, J, C Jakober, S Clegg and MJ Kleeman, 2010. Theoretical vs. Observed Gas-Particle Partitioning of Carbonyls Emissions from Motor Vehicles. J. of the Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 60(10): 1237-1244.

5. Hsu, YK,.T VanCuren, S Park, C Jakober, J Herner, M FitzGibbon, D Blake and D Parrish, 2010. Methane Emissions Inventory Verification in Southern California. Atmos. Environ., 44(1): 1-7.

6. Kleeman, MJ, SG Riddle, MA Robert, CA Jakober, PM Fine MD Hays, JJ Schauer, and MP Hannigan, 2009. Source Apportionment of Fine (PM2.5) and Ultrafine (PM0.1) Airborne Particulate Matter During a Severe Winter Pollution Episode. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 43(2): 272-279.

7. Kleeman, MJ, SG Riddle and CA Jakober, 2008. Size Distribution of Particle-Phase Molecular Markers During a Severe Winter Pollution Episode. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 42(17): 6469-6475.

8. Riddle, SG, MA Robert, CA Jakober, MP Hannigan, and MJ Kleeman, 2008. Size-Resolved Source Apportionment of Airborne Particle Mass in a Roadside Environment. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 42(17): 6580-6586.

9. Jakober, CA, MA Robert, SG Riddle, H Destaillats, MJ Charles, PG Green, and MJ Kleeman, 2008. Carbonyl Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 42(13): 4697-4703.

10. Kleeman, MJ, SG Riddle, MA Robert and CA Jakober, 2007. Lubricating Oil and Fuel Contributions to Particulate Matter Emissions from Light-Duty Gasoline and Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 42(1): 235-242.

11. Riddle SG, CA Jakober, MA Robert, TM Cahill, MJ Charles, and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Large PAHs in Fine Particulate Matter from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles. Atm. Environ., 41(38): 8658-8668.

12. Jakober, CA, SG Riddle, MA Robert, H Destaillats, PG Green, MJ Charles, and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Quinone Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Motor Vehicles. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 41(13): 4548-4554.

13. Riddle, SG, MA Robert, CA Jakober, MP Hannigan, and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Size Distribution of Trace Organic Species Emitted from Light-Duty Gasoline Vehicles. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 41(21): 7464-7471.

14. Robert, MA, CA Jakober, and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Size and Composition Distributions of Particulate Matter Emissions 2. Heavy Duty Diesel Vehicles. J. of the Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 57: 1429-1438.

15. Robert, MA, CA Jakober, S VanBergen, and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Size and Composition Distributions of Particulate Matter Emissions 1. Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles. J. of the Air and Waste Manage. Assoc., 57: 1414-1428.

16. Riddle, SG, MA Robert, CA Jakober, MP Hannigan and MJ Kleeman, 2007. Size Distribution of Trace Organic Species Emitted from Heavy-duty Diesel Vehicles. Environ. Sci. and Tech., 41(6): 1962-1969.

17. Jakober, CA, MJ Charles, MJ Kleeman and PG Green, 2006. LC-MS Analysis of Carbonyl Compounds and Their Occurrence in Diesel Emissions. Analytical Chemistry, 78(14): 5089-5093.

18. Dayton, EA, NT Basta, CA Jakober, and JA Hattey, 2003. Using Treatment Residuals to Reduce Phosphorus in Agricultural Runoff. J. of the American Water Works Association, 95(4): 151-158.

19. Jakober, CA and TJ Philips, 2008. Evaluation of Ozone Emissions From Portable Indoor Air Cleaners: Electrostatic Precipitators and Ionizers. Technical report prepared for the California Air Resources Board.

20. Kleeman, MJ, MA Robert, SG Riddle, and CA Jakober, 2006. Characterization of Ultrafine and Fine Particulate Matter from Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. Final report prepared for the Coordinated Research Council, California Air Resources Board contract number 01-306.

21. Philips, TJ and CA Jakober, 2006. Evaluation of Ozone Emissions From Portable Indoor “Air Cleaners” That Intentionally Generate Ozone. Technical report prepared for the California Air Resources Board.

22. Jakober, CA, SG Riddle, MA Robert, TM Cahill, MJ Kleeman, and MJ Charles, 2005. Oxygenated Organics in Fine Particulate Emissions from Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles for Source Apportionment. Final report prepared for the California Air Resources Board, contract number 00-318.

Honors and Awards

  • Gold Achievement Award – California Air Resources Board (2020)
  • STAR Award – UC Davis (2015)
  • STAR Award – UC Davis (2014)
  • Gold Achievement Award – California Air Resources Board (2008)
  • National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Traineeship (2005)
  • Donald Crosby Environmental Chemistry Fellowship (2005)
  • Environmental Chemistry Graduate Student Award – American Chemical Society (2003)
  • Donald Crosby Environmental Chemistry Fellowship (2003)
  • Outstanding Senior of the Year, Department of Chemistry, Oklahoma State University (2001)
  • National Science Foundation NEAT-IGERT Fellowship (2001)

Professional Organizations

American Chemical Society