Education History
- BS, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech
- MS, Electrical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Work Experience
Program Chair, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, Engineering for Professionals
Haase, EB. “Moving a Team-Based Freshmen Biomedical Engineering and Design Course Online,” Biomed Eng Education. 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s43683-020-00005-0
Dunleavey J, Hickey J, Haase EB. “Improving Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Learning Through Use of Online Graduate Engineering Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Biomed Eng Education. 2020, DOI: 10.1007/s43683-020-00041-w
Haase E, Goldberg H. “Peer instruction can be as effective as lecture-based instruction in Biomedical Engineering,” ASEE Annual Meeting (virtual), 2020. Paper ID #28720
Haase, EB, Goldberg, H, and Phan, B “Molecules and Cells: Team-based and multi-modal learning improves comprehension and increases content retention”, ASEE National Conference, June 25-28, 2017
Haase, EB and Logsdon, E “The best of both worlds: an integrated online/on-site Master’s program in biomedical engineering” , ASEE National Conference, June 25-28, 2017
Harry R. Goldberg, Eileen Haase, Artin Shoukas and Lawrence Schramm (2006): “Redefining classroom instruction”, Adv. Physiol Educ 30:124-127
Honors and Awards
- Robert B. Pond Sr, Excellence in Teaching Award (2019)
- Fulbright Scholar to Uganda (2019)
- William R. Kenan, Jr. Inaugural Scholar Award (2019)
- Robert B. Pond Sr, Excellence in Teaching Award (2012)
Professional Organizations
Biomedical Engineering Society(BMES)
Association for Mechanical Engineering (ASME)
American Society for Engineering Education
American Physiological Society
Society for Neuroscience