Dr. Caban is the Chief of Clinical and Research Informatics at the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). He manages a team of scientists, engineers, researchers, and developers that provide enterprise applications, business intelligence, machine learning, metrics, data, and analytical support to the NICoE Intrepid Spirit Network across 10+ military treatment facilities (MTFs).

Trained as a computer scientist and with over thirteen years of experience in inter-disciplinary clinical and informatics research, he has authored over 50 scientific papers related to clinical informatics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, visualization, and predictive models.

During the last few years he has served in different roles including the Chair of the DHA Enterprise Intelligence and Analytics IPT, the Chair of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Visual Analytics working group, and the Vice Chair of the 2016 IEEE Visualization conference.

In 2018, he received the Defense Health Agency (DHA) Innovation Award and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS) HealthIT award for his contribution to the Military Health System (MHS). In 2019, the TBI Portal – one of the enterprise applications that he has managed since its inception — received the Federal HealthIT Innovation award.

He’s committed to educating and training our next generation in informatics, ML/AI, and data science. He’s an adjunct faculty at the Uniform Services University (USUHS) where he mentors PhD students interested in clinical informatics and he’s also an adjunct faculty at Johns Hopkins University – Applied Physics Lab where he teaches two of the core classes of the Data Science graduate program. 



Education History

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science, University of Maryland, UMBC

Work Experience

Chief, Clinical & Research Informatics, NICoE, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center


•. Kasuske, Lalon, Tim Wu, and Jesus J. Caban. “Health Care Utilization by Active Duty Service Members following a mild Traumatic Brain Injury.” AMIA. 2016.

•. Dabek, Filip J., and Jesus J. Caban. “A K-Reversible Approach to Model Clinical Trajectories.” AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings. Vol. 2016. American Medical Informatics Association, 2016.

•. Filip Dabek and Jesus J. Caban, “A Grammar-based Approach to Model the Patients Clinical Trajectory after a mild Traumatic Brain Injury”, 2015 IEEE International Conferenceon Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2015), Nov. 2015

•. Filip Dabek, J. Chen, A. Garbarino, and Jesus J. Caban, “Visualization of Longitudinal Clinical Trajectories using a Graph-based Approach”, Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, ACM Digital Library, Oct. 2015

•. Filip Dabek and Jesus J. Caban, “A Neural Network Based Model for Predicting Psychological Conditions after a mild TBI”, International Conference on Brain Informatics and Health, Aug. 2015

•. Filip Dabek and Jesus J. Caban, “Leveraging Big Data to Model the Likelihood of Developing Psychological Conditions After a mild TBI”, International Neural Network Society Conference on Big Data, Procedia Computer Science, Aug. 2015

• Jesus J. Caban, G. Riedy, T. Oakes, G. Grammer, T. DeGraba, “Understanding the Effects of Concussion using Big Data”, IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2014, Washington DC, Oct 2014

•. Filip Dabek, Jesus J. Caban, and T. Oates, “An interactive Visualization System with a Grammar Induction Layer for Learning and Generating Suggestions from Complex Clinical Datasets”, Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Nov. 2014

•. Jesus J. Caban, G. Riedy, T. Oakes, G. Grammer, T. DeGraba, “A Large-scale mTBI Informatics Database: Fostering Innovation, Research, and Development for mTBI/PTSD”, Proceedings of the 2014 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS), August 2014

•. A. Rosebrook, Jesus J. Caban, Tim Oates, “A Rapidly Deployable Image Classication System Using Feature-Views”, Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013

•. Jesus J. Caban, S. Green, G. Riedy, “Characterization of T2 hyperintensity lesions in patients with mild traumatic brain injury”, Proceedings of the 2013 SPIE Medical Imaging Conference

Professional Organizations



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Summer 2025
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Primary Program
Computer Science
Next Offered
Summer 2025
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Computer Science