Dr. Weiblen is a computational electromagnetics expert with experience in a wide variety of modeling methods and environments for simulating, characterizing, and optimizing optoelectronic and photonic components and systems. His doctoral research was on mid-infrared fiber optic technologies, including nonlinear optics in chalcogenide fibers (supercontinuum generation), novel fiber architectures, and nanostructured antireflective coatings. After completing his doctoral studies, he spent two years as an ASEE postoctoral fellow at the Naval Research Lab working on nonlinear photonics in III-V materials for mid-infrared microresonator-based optical frequency combs, as well as a wide range of modeling and simulation for nanophotonics and photonic integrated circuit applications, including motheye structures, nanoplasmonics, chemical sensing, heterogeneous integration, quantum information, and active devices. His current work involves radar signal processing algorithms and novel optical waveguide modeling. Other research interests include optical metamaterials and nonlinear PDEs.
Education History
- BS Computer Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County
- PHD Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Work Experience
Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory