Mr. Boon has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in computer science since 1986. During the twenty-first century, Mr. Boon taught a variety of courses at JHU Engineering for Professionals. Two of his favorites are 605.621 and 605.721.

Mr. Boon earned a Bachelor of Arts degrees from the Virginia Wesleyan College in Mathematics and Political Science. He earned a Master of Science degree from The George Washington University in Operations Research. He managed large teams of computer scientists and mathematicians at the General Research Corporation. He has been a policy researcher for the RAND Corporation where he employed both computer science and mathematics in the pursuit of policy recommendations. He is passionate about artificial intelligence, machine learning, and knowledge representation and reasoning. Mr. Boon’s areas of expertise are operations research, advanced statistical analysis, algorithm design, systems analysis, and software engineering, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. He can perform advanced statistical analyses. Mr. Boon’s tools include Java, Python, C/C++, Prolog, Matlab/Octave, R, SAS, Knime, Weka, TensorFlow, and many other programming languages.


Education History

  • B.A., Mathematics & Political Science, Virginia Wedleyan College
  • M.S., Operations Research, George Washington University

Work Experience

Computer Scientist, U.S. Department of Defense


Professional Organizations

IEEE & IEEE Computer Society


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Computer Science