Dr. Munro has 30-years of experience supporting the Department of Energy as a contractor and as a Senior Social Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). His responsibilties included developing environmental compliance activities for the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management and managing five-year and strategic planning for the Office of Environmental Management.
Dr. Munro left ORNL to join the Federal Highway Administration where he managed the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program and participated in a variety of international activities. In 2019, he coauthored the book, the Accelerating Transport Innovation Revolution (Elsevier Press). The book is a Global, Case Study-based Assessment of Current Experience, Cross-sectorial Effects, and Socioeconomic Transformations.
Dr. Munro is currently a Environmental Security Research Fellow at the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennslyvania.
Education History
- Ph.D, Political Science and Environmental Planning and Policy, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Work Experience
Adjunct Faculty, JHU Whiting School of Engineering, Engineering for Professionals
Publications and Presentations
2021 Contributor to Toxic Chemicals in America, Controversies in Human and Environmental Health, Volumes 1 and 2, edited by Dr. Kelly A. Tzoumis, (Santa Barbara, California: AB-CLIO).
2019 George A. Giannopoulos, John F. Munro, (published April 26, 2019), The Accelerating Transport Innovation Revolution, A Global, Case Study-Based Assessment of Current Experience, Cross-sectorial Effects, and Socioeconomic Transformations, Elsevier Press, New York, New York. ISBN: 978-0-12-813804-5.
2018 John F. Munro, (2018), “Publicly Funded Research and Innovation in Japan and the Outlook for International Cooperation,” In: Giannopoulos (ED), Publicly Funded Transport Research in the P.R. China, Japan, and Korea: Policies, Governance, and Prospects for Cooperation with the Outside World. Springer Press, Switzerland: ISBN 978-3-31968197-9
Robert Ouellette and John F. Munro (April 12-13, 2016) Conference Paper on “the Domestic and International Politics of Climate Change,” National Association of Environmental Professionals, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Robert Ouellette and John F. Munro (April 12-13, 2016), Conference Paper on Effective Water Management under Climate Change, the Need for a New Paradigm, National Association of Environmental Professionals, Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
John Munro and Angel Aparicio, “Transportation Research Implementation in the European
Union and the United States,” published as Transport Research Implementation: Application of
Research Outcomes, Summary of the Second EU-U.S. Transport Research Symposium, Conference Proceedings 51 held in Paris, France (Washington, D.C: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science, March 2015). ISBN 1073-1652.
Speaker at the Second EU-U.S. Transport Research Symposium, held in Paris, France ( March 2015).
John F. Munro, “The Inevitability of Global Climate Change: Lessons from Political and Economic Theory and Practice,” Presentation to the German Aerospace Center (DLR) Institute of Transport Research Staff, Rutherfordstraße 212489 Berlin, Germany, July 8th, 2015.
John F. Munro, presentation on “Climate Change and Policy-Making in the United States,” Panel on cross-cutting issues at the Workshop on Transport and Climate Change, European Researchers Act.” (Co-sponsored by The European Transport Research Alliance, ETA, and the Institute of Science and Technology for Transport (IFSTTAR, France,), July 6th, 2015.
Presentation (“Bringing Down Barriers for Research Implementation across International Borders”) at the January 2015 Transportation Research Conference (Washington, D.C.), Workshop “Harnessing Potential Payoffs of Research Implementation across Boarders,” (Transportation Research Annual Conference, Sunday, January 11, 2015).
Co-Chaired with Dr. Barbara Lenz (GDR), Subcommittee “Mainstreaming International Perspectives and Promoting International Cooperation Networking, Cooperation, and
Collaboration Subcommittee, of Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on
International Activities, Monday, January 12, 2015 (Transportation Research Board Annual Conference, January 11-15, 2015)
Honors and Awards
- UCLA Arms Control Fellowship, 1976
Member, California Arms Control Seminar, 1981 (1976)
Professional Organizations
American Planning Association, Association of Environmental Professionals