Education History

  • Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee
  • Master of Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
  • Masters of Business Administration, Business Administration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Doctor of Philosophy, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California

Work Experience

Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University


Kleeman, M.J., Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Jakober, C.A., Fine, P.M., Hays, M.D., Schauer, J.J. and Hannigan, M.P., 2008. Source Apportionment of Fine (PM1.8) and Ultrafine (PM0.1) Airborne Particulate Matter During a Severe Winter Pollution Episode. Environmental Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1021/es800400.

Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Jakober, C.A., Hannigan, M.P., and Kleeman, M.J., 2008. Source contributions to fine and ultrafine particulate matter in a roadside environment. Environmental Science and Technology 42:6580-6586.

Jakober, C.A., Robert M.A., Riddle, S.G., Destaillats, H., Charles, M.J., Green, P.G., and Kleeman, M.J., 2008. Carbonyl emissions from gasoline and diesel motor vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology 42:4697-4703.

Kleeman, M.J., Robert, M.A., Riddle, S.G., Fine P.M., Hays M.D., Schauer, J.J., and Hannigan, M.P. 2008. Size Distribution of Trace Organic Species Emitted from Biomass Combustion and Meat Charbroiling. Environmental Science and Technology 42:3059-3075.

Kleeman, M.J., Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., and Jakober, C.A., 2008. Lubricating oil and fuel contributions to particulate matter emissions from light duty gasoline and heavy duty diesel vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology 42:235-242.

Robert, M.A., Jakober, C.A., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Size and composition distributions of particulate matter emissions 2. Heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 57(12):1429-1438.

Robert, M.A., Jakober C.A., Van Bergen, S., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Size and composition distributions of particulate matter emissions 1. Light-duty gasoline vehicles. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association 57(12):1414-1428.

Riddle, S.G., Jakober, C.A., Robert, M.A., Cahill, T., Charles, M.J., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Large PAHs in fine particulate matter from light-duty gasoline vehicles. Atmospheric Environment 41:8658-8668.

Jakober, C.A., Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Green, P.G., Destaillats, H., Charles, M.J., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Quinone emissions from gasoline and diesel motor vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology 41(13):4548-4554.

Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Jakober, C.A., Hannigan, M.P., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Size distribution of trace organic species emitted from light-duty gasoline vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology 41:7464-7471.

Riddle, S.G., Robert M.A., Jakober, C.A., Hannigan, M.P., and Kleeman, M.J., 2007. Size distribution of trace organic species emitted from heavy-duty diesel vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology 41(6):1962-1969.

California Air Resources Board, 2007. Proposed Early Actions to Mitigate Climate Change in California. Staff report pursuant to Assembly Bill 32 (Nunez, 2006).

Kleeman, M.J., Robert, M.A., Riddle, S.G., Jakober, C.A., and Hannigan, M.P., 2007. Source Apportionment of Fine and Ultrafine Particles in California. Final report prepared for the California Air Resources Board, contract number 01-306.

Kleeman, M.J., Robert, M.A., Riddle, S.G., and Jakober, C.A., 2006. Characterization of Ultrafine and Fine Particulate Matter from Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicles. Final report prepared for the Coordinated Research Council, California Air Resources Board contract 01-306.

California Air Resources Board, 2005. Indoor Air Pollution in California. Report to the California Legislature pursuant to Assembly Bill 1173 (Keeley, 2002).

Jakober, C.A., Riddle, S.G., Robert, M.A., Cahill, T.M., Kleeman, M.J., Charles, M.J., 2005. Oxygenated organics in fine particle emissions from gasoline and diesel vehicles for source apportionment. Final report prepared for the California Air Resources Board, contract number 00-318.

Honors and Awards

  • JHU EP Excellence in Teaching Award (2012)


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Asynchronous Online
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Environmental Engineering