Education History

  • BS Mechanical Engineering, Ain Shams University
  • MS Mechanical Engineering, Ain Shams University
  • MS Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Work Experience

Teaching Assistant, Johns Hopkins University


1. Buettner, N., Kitchen, G., Omar, M. et al.
“Nanoscale characterizations of mineralized piezoelectric scaffolds.”
MRS Advances, 2023 | DOI: 10.1557/s43580-023-00600-7
2. Omar, Mostafa M., and Jaafar A. El-Awady.
“Foreseeing metal failure from its inception.”
Science, 2022 | DOI: 10.1126/science.add8259
3. Omar, MM, Sun, B., Kitchen, G., & Kang, S. H.
“Mechanically adaptive composites through piezoelectricity.”
Journal of Composite Materials, 2022 | DOI: 10.1177/0021998322112185
4. Omar, Mostafa*, Bohan Sun*, and Sung Hoon Kang.
“Good reactions for low-power shape-memory microactuators.”
Science Robotics, 2021 | DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.abh1560
5. Omar MM, Fawzy SM, El-Shabasy AB, Allam NK.
“Large-diameter light-scattering complex multipodal nanotubes with graded refractive index: insights into their formation mechanism and photoelectrochemical performance.”
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017 | DOI: 10.1039/C7TA08730F
6. Fawzy SM*, Omar MM*, Allam NK.
“Photoelectrochemical water splitting by defects in nanostructured multinary transition metal oxides.”
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019 | DOI: 10.1016/j.solmat.2019.02.011
7. Rezk MY, Zeitoun M, El-Shazly AN, Omar MM, Allam NK.
“Robust photoactive nanoadsorbents with antibacterial activity for the removal of dyes.
Journal of hazardous materials, 2019 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.05.072
8. Abbas WA, Sharafeldin IM, Omar MM, Allam NK.
“Novel mineralized electrospun chitosan/PVA/TiO2 nanofibrous composites for potential biomedical applications: computational and experimental insights.”
Nanoscale Advances, 2020 | DOI: 10.1039/D0NA00042F

Honors and Awards

  • Best Poster Award (3rd Place) from the Multiscale Materials Modeling Conference (MMM10). (2022)
  • Early-Career Researcher support grant from Multifunctional Materials and Structures Gordon Research Conference (GRC). (2022)
  • Creel Family Teaching Assistant Award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. (2021)
  • Best M.Sc. Thesis from the Mechanical Design and Production Department, Ain Shams University. (2018)


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Mechanical Engineering