Nathan Bos is a senior research associate at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. He received a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Michigan, where he also served as research faculty in the School of Information from 2001-2006. Nathan’s current research interests are in the intersection of human factors and artificial intelligence, especially around issues interpretability, ethics, and human-machine teaming. 

Nathan’s has over 50 papers published in peer-reviewed forums on topics including game-based learning, behavior modeling, interpersonal trust, testing and evaluation methods, and political instability. 

Education History

  • B A, Psychology, Calvin College
  • Ph D, Psychology and Education, University of Michigan

Work Experience

Senior Research Associate, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University


Bos, N.D., Glasgow, K., Gersh, J., Harbison, I. & Paul, C.L. (2019). Mental models of AI-based systems: User predictions and explanations of image classification results. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2019. Rhodes, R. E., Kopecky, J., Bos, N.D., McKneely, J., Gertner, A., Zaromb, F., Perrone, A. & Spitaletta, J.S. (in press.) Training Decision Making With Serious Games: An Independent Evaluation. Games and Culture (forthcoming).
Bos, N.D, Molinaro, K., Perrone, A., Sharer, S. & Greenberg, A.M. (2017). Workplace satisfaction before and after a move to an open plan office, including interactions with gender and introversion. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting 2017.
Perrone, A., Bos, N.D. & Greenberg, A. (2017). Using electronic trace data to study social network changes related to an open office environment. Paper presented at the First North American Social Network Conference. Kimpton Palomar, Washington, DC, 26-30 July 2017.
Bos, N.D., Paul, C.L. Bos, N., Paul, C. L., Gersh, J. R., Greenberg, A., Piatko, C., Sperling, S., Spitaletta, J.S., Arendt, D.L., Burtner, R. (2016). Effects of Gain / Loss Framing in Cyber Defense Decision-Making. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual conference, p. 168–172.
Bos, N., Zaromb, F., McKneely, J., Kopecky, J., Gertner, A., & Jacoby, L. (2014, May). Evidence for Concept Formation within Confirmation Bias Tasks. In R. D. Roberts (Chair), Assessing Cognitive Biases in Judgment and Decision Making for Higher Education and Workplace Applications. Symposium conducted at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Perrone, A. G., Kopecky, J. J., D’Andrea, M., Bos, N. D., McKneely, J. A. (2014, May). A Technique to Determine Mental Workload by Pupil Dilation on Varying Backgrounds. Poster presented at the 26th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Bos, N.D., Spitaletta, J.A., Molnar, A.R., Tinker, J.M., & LeNoir, J.D. (2013). Human Factors Considerations of Undergrounds in Insurgencies, 2nd Ed. Alexandria, VA: US Army Printing Office.
Fink,C. Bos, N.D., Perrone, A., Liu, E. and Kopecky, J. (2013). Twitter, Public Opinion, and the 2011 Nigerian Presidential Election. 2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference on Social Computing.
Fink, C,. Kopecky, J,, Bos, N, (2012). Inferring Demographic Attributes and Extracting Political Discourse from Nigerian Social Media. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making: Focus 2012.
Voida, A., Bos, N.D., Olson, J.S., Olson, G.M. & Dunning, L. (2012). Cross-cutting faultlines of location and shared identity in the intergroup cooperation of partially distributed groups. Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2012). New York: ACM Press.


Bos, N.D., Spitaletta, J.A., Molnar, A.R., Tinker, J.M., & LeNoir, J.D. (2013). Human Factors Considerations of Undergrounds in Insurgencies, 2nd Ed. Alexandria, VA: US Army Printing Office.
Greenberg, A., Bos, N.D, Kopecky, J., Thomas, M. (2011). Coalitions in conflict: reproducing the inverted ‘U’ pattern of civil violence. Paper presented at BRIMS 2011. Sundance, Utah.
Kopecky, J., Bos, N.D. & Greenberg, A. (2010). Social identity: past work and relevant issues for socio-cultural modeling. Best paper award winner, BRIMS 2010. Charleston, SC.
Olson, G., Zimmerman, A. & Bos, N.D. (2008). Scientific Collaboration on the Internet. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (First author of chapters 1, ‘Introduction’, 3 ‘From Shared Databases to Communities of Practice’, 14 ‘Motivation to Contribute to Collaboratories: a Public Goods Approach’, and ‘Final Thoughts: Is There a Science of Collaboratories?’)
Bos, N.D., Zimmerman, A., Olson, J., Yew, J., Yerkie, J., Dahl, E. & Olson, G. (2007). From Shared Databases to Communities of Practice: a taxonomy of Collaboratories. Journal of Computer Mediated Communications, Special Issue on E-Science, N. Jankowski (Ed.)
Bos, N.D., Zimmerman, A., Olson, J., Yew, J., Yerkie, J., Dahl, E. & Olson, G. (2007). From Shared Databases to Communities of Practice: a taxonomy of Collaboratories. Journal of Computer Mediated Communications, Special Issue on E-Science, N. Jankowski (Ed.)
Bos , N.D., Olson, J.S, Nan, N., and Cheshin, A. (2008). Subgroup biases in partially distributed collaboration. Journal of Information Technology Research, 2 (1). Heshey, PA: IGI Global.
Bos, N.D., Olson, J.S., Nan, N., Shami, N.S., Hoch, S., Johnston, E. (2006). Collocation blindness in partially distributed groups: is there a downside to being collocated? Proceedings of CHI 2006. New York: ACM Press.

Professional Organizations

Human Factor and Ergonomics
Association for Psychological Science


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