Dr. McNamee has been active in information retrieval research for over 20 years. He developed the HAIRCUT retrieval engine and has participated in over 25 international community evaluations of language technologies. Dr. McNamee is active in the ACM SIGIR and ACL communities, and he currently serves on the NIST TREC program committee. He maintains an information retrieval resource page at: http://pmcnamee.net/ir.html

Education History

  • Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Maryland Baltimore County

Work Experience

Principal Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory


Over one hundred scholarly publications. See: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xpStfNcAAAAJ

Honors and Awards

  • JHU-EP: Excellence in Teaching (2018)
  • Senior Member of the ACM (2010)

Professional Organizations

Association for Computing Machinery