Salman Haq, a registered professional engineer in the state of Virginia, has more than 15 years of engineering and construction industry experience with Bechtel Corporation. His experience at Bechtel Corporation includes design and analysis of thermal hydraulics and fluid dynamics systems, computational fluid dynamics, heat transfer analysis, engineering decision support software development, applications of information systems and technology to engineering, procurement, and construction business. He has taught courses in fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and energy systems at North Carolina State University and John Hopkins University. Haq has taught numerous professional training modules in power plant systems, decision support software, and optimization of engineering design at Bechtel Corporation, in addition to training courses in nuclear reactor systems, design bases, power plant engineering, and new reactor licensing at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Haq is currently leading research in the area of offsite consequence analysis due to hypothetical severe accidents at nuclear power plants at the NRC. As a reactor system engineer, Haq conducts regulatory research to support the NRC mission of protecting people and the environment from consequences of design bases and postulated severe accidents.  

Haq received his BS in engineering science from the University of Illinois, his MS in nuclear engineering from North Carolina State University, and his PhD in mechanical engineering from North Carolina State University.


Education History

  • Engineering Science Nuclear and Thermo-fluids Engineering, University of Illinois
  • Nuclear Engineering Nuclear Fuel Management, North Carolina State University
  • Mechanical Engineering Fluids and thermal sciences, North Carolina State University

Work Experience

Project Manager, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission


Protective Actions and Emergency Response Modeling in MACCS, Salman Haq, US NRC and N. Bixler, Sandia National Laboratories, AMUG-2017, Daejeon, South Korea, Nov 2017.

State of the Art Reactor Consequence Analyses for ice-condenser containment plants presented by Salman Haq at AMUG-2018, Tokyo, Japan.

Updates on Input Parameter Recommendation for MACCS COMIDA2 food chain Model for ingestion dose due to radioactive releases from severe nuclear accidents, Salman Haq and Keith Compton, Office of Regulatory Research, US NRC, Osvaldo Pensado and Daniel Speakers, Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis (CNWRA), SwRI. AMUG-2019 Daejeon, South Korea Nov. 2019

Professional Organizations



Next Offered
Spring 2025
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Environmental Engineering and Science