Education History

  • B S, Electrical Engineering, Rice University
  • M S, Computer Science, Purdue University

Work Experience

CEO, Cyber Defense Agency, Inc.


1. O. Sami Saydjari, Cyber defense: art to science, Communications of the ACM, v.47, n.3, pp52-57. 2004
2. O. Sami Saydjari, Defending Cyberspace, Computer, v.35 n.12, p.125, December 2002
3. Saydjari, O., Tinnel, L., and Farrell, D. Cyberwar strategy and tactics: An analysis of cyber goals, strategies, tactics, and techniques. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Workshop on Information Assurance, June 2002, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY.
4. S. N. Hamilton, W. L. Miller, A. Ott, and O. S. Saydjari. Challenges in applying game theory to the domain of information warfare. In 4th Information survivability workshop (ISW-2001)
5. S. N. Hamilton, W. L. Miller, A. Ott, and O. S. Saydjari. The role of game theory in information warfare. In 4th Information survivability workshop (ISW-2001).
6. D. Maughan, G. Koob, and S. Saydjari, editors. Proc. DARPA Information Survivability Conference and Exposition, DISCEX2000, January 25-27, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA. IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000. http:// 21 Basin & Denker
7. C. Salter, O. S. Saydjari, B. Schneier, and J. Wallner. Toward a secure system engineering methodology. In Proceedings of The New Security Paradigms Workshop. ACM Press, September 22–25, 1998.
8. O. S. Saydjari, S. J. Turner, D. E. Peele, J. F. Farrell, P. A. Loscocco, W. Kutz, and G. L. Bock. Synergy: A distributed, microkernel-based security architecture. Technical Report version 1.0, National Security Agency, Ft. George G. Meade, MD, Nov. 1993.
9. “Logical Analysis of Okamoto,” Informal Technical Report, TECH-014-92, Mar 92
10. “LOCK Trek,” IEEE Proceedings on Security and Privacy, IEEE Comp. Soc, May 89
11. “LOCKing Computers Securely,” 10th National Comp. Security Conference, Sep 87
12. “Computer Virus Organization,” Cryptologic Quarterly, Fall 1986
13. “A Standard Notation in Computer Security Models,” 9th Nat’l Comp. Sec, Sep 86
14. “Computer Viruses,” Cryptologic Quarterly, Fall 1985

Honors and Awards

  • Office of the Secretary of Defense Award for Excellence (2000)
  • Master, Technical Track for Information System Security, NSA (1996)
  • NSA Fellow (1993)

Professional Organizations

IFIP 10.4


Next Offered
Spring 2025
Course Format
Synchronous Online
Primary Program