By day, Scott works at Google in Android Developer Relations. They usually tell him to go play with some (colorful) blocks in the corner (so everyone else can actually get some work done).

By night, Scott can be found teaching Android Mobile Application Development and Kotlin programming for the JHU Whiting School. If it hadn’t been for this pandemic, he’d be swing dancing, singing Karaoke and attending musicals whenever they stop in Baltimore or DC.

Scott has been teaching in various forms since High School, and at the Whiting School for over ten years. And he keeps coming back for more…

Education History

  • Bachelor of Arts, Computer Science, The University of Michigan
  • Master of Science, Computer Science, The Johns Hopkins University


Please see

Honors and Awards

  • Excellence in Teaching
    Johns Hopkins Whiting School of Engineering (2012)


Next Offered
Course Format
Asynchronous Online, Synchronous Online
Primary Program
Computer Science