Dr. Movahed has over 31 years of Water Management experience in Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Reuse, Water Contamination, Source Water Protection, Safety Management, Water and Sewer Infrastructure Development and Regulatory Compliance. Dr. Movahed also has 19 years of teaching experience at Johns Hopkins University (JHU). Prior to WATEK, as the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission’s (WSSC) Regulatory Group Leader, she developed the Water Reuse Regulations and was responsible for approval of Centralized and Decentralized Water Reuse projects. At WATEK, she provides engineering support for membrane project design and operations, incorporating end user perspective related to ease of operation, safety, reliability, maintenance and troubleshooting.

Education History

  • B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Houston
  • M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland
  • Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland

Work Experience

Consultant, WATEK Engineering


Partha Tallapragada and Movahed, Z, “Rocky Gap Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade to Membrane Bio Reactor, Chesapeake Tri-Association Conference, Ocean City, MD, Aug 2018

Movahed, Z and Movahed B, “Cost-Effective Holistic Water and Sanitation Solution for Communities that Lack In-Door Pluming”, Presented at 28th Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting, Feb 2018

Movahed, Z and Lin, M, “The Role of Membrane Bioreactors in Addressing Chesapeake Bay Challenges,” AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exposition, 2017

Movahed, Z and Movahed B, “The Need for Water Reuse Guidelines for Designing and Operating Membrane Facilities,” Journal of the American Water Works Association, Nov 2015

Movahed, Z and Movahed B, “Water Reuse is an Integral to Addressing Water and Sanitation Challenges in Developing Countries,” Poster Presentation at Water Reuse Association Conference, Seattle, U.S., Sep 2015

“WSSC Proposal Turns Treated Wastewater into Revenue”, Poster Presentation at the Water Environment Federation Energy and Water Conference, Washington D.C., Aug 2015

Movahed, Z and Movahed, B, “Uniform Water Quality Standards And National Water Reuse Regulations Are Critical For Selection, Design And Operation Of Membrane Facilities,” Presentation at the Joint AMTA/AWWA Conference, Florida, Feb 2015

Honors and Awards

  • Montgomery County Recognition Award – Water Reuse Project (2014)

Professional Organizations

Water Reuse Association
American Membrane Technology
Chesapeake Section of WEF


Next Offered
Spring 2025
Course Format
Asynchronous Online
Primary Program
Environmental Engineering