Faculty Publications

Schwartz, C., Savkli, C., Galante, A., Czaja, W. (2024). Tailoring Benchmark Graphs to Real-World Networks for Improved Prediction of Community Detection Performance. In: Cherifi, H., Rocha, L.M., Cherifi, C., Donduran, M. (eds) Complex Networks & Their Applications XII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1142. Springer

Ma, Haoxiang, et al. “Optimal Resource Allocation for Proactive Defense with Deception in Probabilistic Attack Graphs.” International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

Udupa, Sumukha, et al. “Synthesizing attack-aware control and active sensing strategies under reactive sensor attacks.” IEEE Control Systems Letters 7 (2022): 265-270.

Anwar, Ahmed H., et al. “Honeypot allocation for cyber deception under uncertainty.” IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 19.3 (2022): 3438-3452.

Leslie, Nandi O., et al. “Combining Agglomerative Clustering Models in an Ensemble Learning Algorithm for Intrusion Detection.” SIAM Mathematics of Data Science (2022).

Jeong, Dong Hyun, et al. “Designing a supervised feature selection technique for mixed attribute data analysis.” Machine Learning with Applications 10 (2022): 100431.

Ji, Soo-Yeon, et al. “Forecasting network events to estimate attack risk: Integration of wavelet transform and vector auto regression with exogenous variables.” Journal of Network and Computer Applications 203 (2022): 103392.

Toppin, Kelly, et al. “Anomaly Detection for Controller Area Network.” 2022 Joint Statistical Meeting (2022).

Leslie, Nandi O. “Unsupervised Learning for Network Intrusion Detection.” Women in Data Science (WiDS) Worldwide Conference at Stanford University (2022).

Savkli, C., Schwartz, C., “Random Subspace Mixture Models for Interpretable Anomaly Detection” The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 26-29, 2021, USA, Jul 26, 2021

Savkli, C, Schwartz, C, Galante, A. Cohen, J, “Novel Edge and Density Metrics for Link Cohesion” Complex Networks and Their Applications VIII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 881, pp 52-63. Springer. Nov 26, 2019