First Steps

Textbooks for Your Course

  • Adopting Course Textbook(s)
  • Request Desk Copy: Faculty members should direct requests for desk or examination copies of course textbooks directly to the publisher. The attached form will help you gather the information that a publisher would request.

Design Templates

  • EP has developed templates for you to download and customize for your individual course.

Using the Library’s Electronic Reserves

Managing Your Course

Managing Your Online Course

Instructions to View and Download Your Course Roster


Submit Grades: How and When

Mid-Term and Final Course Evaluations

Handling Suspected Cheating or Plagiarism

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Please visit the university’s faculty resources page where you will find additional information including a sample syllabus statement, guidelines for teaching students with disabilities, universal design for your course, rights and responsibilities, types of disabilities, and FAQs.

Referring Students for Counseling Services

Recognizing and Assisting Students in Distress