Topics in chemical, biological, and hydrological science necessary to understand water quality parameters and processes are reviewed. Mathematical models of fundamental processes that transport diffuse water pollutants and disperse them in the natural environment are presented in detail. Physical, chemical, and biological processes involved in water quality improvement technologies are covered and applied at the watershed scale to introduce green stormwater infrastructure technologies. Components of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) model are presented along with theories and mathematical models of the underlying processes. Then, models are generated for nine of the primary green stormwater infrastructure technologies that are currently being installed in urban environments, and the model components within SWMM that implement these technologies are exercised. The course includes a “Green Infrastructure Watershed Implementation Project,” to be conducted by individual students or small groups, that involves modeling and optimizing benefits and costs of a green infrastructure implementation program in an actual watershed chosen by the students.
Course Offerings
Water Quality Engineering with Green Infrastructure
08/26/2024 - 12/10/2024