Education History
- BS, Biomedical Engineering, Ohio State
- MS, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Work Experience
Senior Professional Staff, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
Hahne et al., “Characterization and Projected Operational Injury Outcomes of Behind Armor Blunt Trauma in the Lower Abdominal Region”, Conference Paper, MHSRS 2024
Pyles et al., “Longitudinal Tibia Stress Fracture Risk During High-Volume Training: a Multi-Scale Modeling Pipeline Incorporating Bone Remodeling”, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 2022
Osborn et al., “Monitoring at-home prosthesis control improvements through real-time data logging”, Journal of Neural Engineering 2022
Ohiri et al., “E-Textile Based Modular sEMG Suit for Large Area Level of Effort Analysis”, Scientific Reports 2022
Stenum et al., “Applications of Pose Estimation in Human Health and Performance across the Lifespan”, Sensors 2021
Held et al., “Augmented Reality Rehabilitation of Gait Impairments: A Case Report”, JMIR mHealth 2020
Pyles et al., “Simulation-Informed Machine Learning Model for Predicting Musculoskeletal Kinetics of ‘Shoot on the Move”, Conference Poster, ICSPP 2023
Pyles et al., “Effect of Fatigue on Tibia Stress Fracture Risk Factors: A Combined Finite Element and MSK Modeling Approach”, Conference Paper, MHSRS 2020
Pyles et al., “A Textile EMG Garment and Collocated Microcontroller for Real-Time Human Intent Sensing, Conference Paper”, MHSRS 2020
Pyles et al., “Comparison of Continuous and Discrete Outcome Measures During Take-Home Use of an Osseointegrated Modular Prosthetic Limb”, Conference Paper, MHSRS 2020
Pyles et al., “Field-Ready Neural-Network Prediction of Human-Intended Torque from Electromography”, US Patent and Trademark Office 2020 (Pending Application)
Pyles et al., “Musculoskeletal Models of Parachute Landing Falls for Field Training Operations”, Conference Paper, DoD HFE TAG 2019
Bradfield, Connor A., et al. “Novel Measurement of Intradiscal Pressure in Underbody Blast Simulation.” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016
Pyles et al., “Validation of a 50th Percentile Lumbar FEM for Vertical Loading”, Conference Paper, ARL Numerical Workshop 2016
Pyles et al., “Modeling and Simulation of Lumbar Surrogate Response for UBB Loading”, Conference Paper, ARL Numerical Workshop 2016
Pyles, et al.,”Expression of DDR1 and DDR2 in Peripheral Blood”, Undergrad Diss. The Ohio State University, 2014.